Rethinking Higher Education for the Ecological Crisis

Wednesday 11 Sep 2019, 11:00 - 13:00
Education Lab
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In this participatory session, participants will be asked to examine their own beliefs, attitudes and behaviours about the unfolding sustainability crisis, in the light of their experiences as students and teachers at our university.

As the facilitator of the workshop, Dr. Ginie Servant-Miklos ties in the reflections of the participants with some of her recent findings on identity, sustainability and learning in higher education. Participants will be asked to build on this to imagine creative, action-driven solutions to make the EUR more ecologically relevant and impactful, and help EUR students prepare for a future marked by ecological challenges.

This talk is meant for EUR students, lecturers and support staff. Please sign up by reserving a free ticket in our ticket shop!

  • CLI Sustainability Month

    September is sustainability month at the Education Lab, which means various sessions are organised around this theme. Check our event planning for the full schedule. You recognise the sessions by the sustainability logo in the image.

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