Learning & Innovation bEURs - online edition

Wednesday 14 Oct 2020, 10:00 - 12:00
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This event is meant for all EUR teachers, students and supporting staff who are interested in the innovation of education.

What are the experiences of EUR lecturers with online education and online assessment? They will share their best practices with you during online workshops, and will inspire you to get the most out of online education possibilities.


10.00Opening by Jeroen Jansz - academic director CLI
10.10Ice breaker exercise - by Remy Fermont
10.20Student experiencing educational innovation: feedback from the Teach-In concept
10.25Break-out sessions track I
11.05Coffee break
11.15Break-out sessions track II
11.55Closure by Jeroen Jansz
12.00End of event


Break-out sessions track I

  • Supporting students to become resilient and confident learners: A blended course as a scaffolding tool to help students reach their full potential
    by Marisela Martinez Claros (EUC)

    Do you want to help your students in difficult decisive moments? Our workshop will show how the Personal Development Track can be a useful resource to help students to cope with challenging choices.

    For most students, the start of their first year of university is a fascinating but hectic period. The students are faced with the challenge of choosing a career path and how to develop themselves professionally, and with the challenge of balancing new responsibilities with different aspects of their life. 

    To promote the attitudes and skills that help them to become more resilient to life’s demands and to develop themselves in various domains, EUC offers its students the Personal Development Track (PDT). They will have the opportunity to reflect on what kind of life they want to live and who they want to be. They will also learn tools and strategies to help them regulate their behaviour, and set goals and strive towards them more effectively. In sum, the PDT is designed to be beneficial to the students by helping them achieve their ideal future. 

    Marisela Martinez Claros
  • Hello, my name is…. -  Towards a sense of belonging in online education
    by Marieke Meeuwisse (ESSB), Jana Vietze (ESSB) and Rick Wolff (Risbo)

    #IBelong is an innovative programme of interventions to promote students’ sense of belonging and success in higher education. It aims at improving the experiences and outcomes of students from diverse backgrounds through creating a more inclusive learning environment in higher education. Recent global challenges – both the COVID-19 pandemic and worldwide antiracism movements – emphasized the need for safe spaces for open conversations about diversity, inclusion and exclusion in higher education.  #IBelong enables teachers and students to engage in meaningful conversations about diversity, inclusion and sense of belonging through innovative interventions and reflections.

    During the workshop you will participate in and experience online #IBelong activities to start meaningful conversations among students (peer groups) and between staff and students about diversity, inclusion and sense of belonging; conversations that are exceptionally timely and relevant in times of online education. As #IBelong team we will show you that these sometimes difficult conversations are also possible in an online format.

    Marieke Meeuwisse
  • Two different approaches in Personalised learning: teachers’ and students' perspective
    Student agency and programmatic assessment in minor courses; twice the fun
    by Sam Riedijk (Erasmus MC) and Farshida Zafar (ErasmusX), Community Personalised Online Learning.

    The EUR Community Personalized Online Learning organizes a session with experiences in Personalised (Online) Learning from two minor courses, by teachers and students. How have they designed these minors, what are the experiences and challenges in implementation and how do students like these courses?

  • Making the most of online education: Lessons from our honours course
    by Mélodine Sommier (ESHCC)

    Our fellowship on “Empowering students through interdisciplinary and intercultural communication on sustainable development” is connected to an honours course we launched in 2019 which brings together 24 highly motivated students from the whole University. Last year, the course had to take place online because of Covid-19 and we were worried about losing what had made its success in the past: students’ engagement and hands-on work. In this workshop, I will tell you more about our fellowship while sharing some of the online tools and teaching strategies we used to keep our students involved.

  • Supporting student thesis projects with modular adaptive educational content
    by Maciej Szymanowski (RSM)

    Every master student needs to complete a thesis research project. These projects require diverse competences and aiding students in developing them is a challenge for educators. Some competences are considered complementary rather than core and do not find their place in curriculum (e.g. academic writing), some competences are specific to small minority of projects and tend not to be included in the curriculum (e.g. data analysis technique). Moreover, for competences which are part of the curriculum students may need further learning to apply them to the thesis project. This can be due to time lag between the course and thesis work, insufficient level of competence developed during the course or other. 

    To aid students in thesis projects RSM is developing an educational platform. The platform will host instruction and assessment of competences required by thesis projects. The platform will be used in diverse ways, for example it can be used by teachers as part of thesis prep course or by students who want to gain a competence. 

    The workshop will present and discuss the design of the platform, how it was derived from the educational literature, and what are the advantages and possible disadvantages of various solutions. 

    Maciej Szymanowski

Break-out sessions track II

  • Using an app to support self-study: Data traces and experiences from first year students
    by Martine Baars (ESSB)

    First year students encounter a lot of challenges. Amongst those challenges, new learning materials at an academic level, and the pressure to perform. Adjusting to this new situation is harder for some then for others. Research has shown that supporting learners' self-regulated learning skills can help students in higher education to perform better.

    We developed a mobile application to help student, plan, set goals, manage their self-study time, use a variety of study strategies and reflect on their learning processes. But do students use it and how do they use it? What are their experiences? Looking forward to meet you and discuss how we can best support students' self-study activities.

    Martine Baars
  • Online training of interprofessional teamwork skills : design, demonstration, data and discussion
    by Mary Dankbaar (Erasmus MC)

    To train interprofessional teamwork – a crucial skill for health professionals – the Erasmus MC has implemented a multi-player game/app in the medical curriculum since one year: Team Up! In this game, students have to collaborate in groups of four (each student takes up a different role) on challenging patient cases, while dealing with issues in the field of communication, workload management, leadership, speak-up, etc.

    During this session we will explain how this game is used in a blended design in our teamwork skills training program. We will also briefly demonstrate the game and share preliminary results on our research on how students use the game and what they learn from it. Participants will be invited to share their experiences with similar skill-based simulations or apps and we will discuss the opportunities of using this concept for other skills training.

    In collaboration with Lara van Peppen, Vicki Erasmus and Tjitske Fabel (Erasmus MC). 

    Mary Dankbaar
  • Workshop Personalized (Online) Learning
    Do you want to know more about how to adapt your teaching to your individual students?
    by Remy Fermont and Rachel Ligtvoet (Risbo)

    In this session you will learn more about the different ways to make your education more personalized for your students. You will not only be inspired by different possibilities for personalized learning – from very small interventions to course-wide implementations, you will also learn in which cases this is useful. Besides, you are also challenged to apply these insights to your own education.

    Remy Fermont
  • The pitfalls and practicalities of making an educational podcast
    Listen to the ins and outs of recording a podcast and using it in an educational setting
    by Mijke Slot (ESHCC)

    With her research podcast Do we Click, dr. Mijke Slot explores the possibilities of knowledge transfer between her research on journalism and her teaching at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. After a year of trial and error, she will share her experiences with you. In this session, she will present her most valuable lessons learned, and you can ask her questions about making and using podcasts in an educational setting.

    Roy Borghouts

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