UNIC Strategy Forum on Engaged Research

Tuesday 18 Jan 2022, 13:00 - Wednesday 19 Jan 2022, 17:30
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A European approach to education and research

Erasmus University Rotterdam leads the European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC), an alliance of eight universities and cities, which aims to develop a new model of European inter‐institutional teaching and research infrastructure built upon interrogating and addressing the issues facing post‐industrial cities, particularly issues of inclusion and diversity. UNIC has a distinct focus on engaged research, which builds upon its strategic advantage as an alliance of research‐intensive universities and City partners with experience in issues of post‐industrial transitions and collaboration with society. 

Developing a strategy to involve and engage citizens and civil society in joint research and innovation initiatives

The UNIC Strategy Forum on Engaged Research brings together UNIC European University colleagues and City Partners for a series of workshops and a plenary session. The goal of the forum is to develop a common strategy, framework and supportive systems for involving and engaging citizens, civil society, public & city authorities and academia in joint research and innovation initiatives. The term ‘Engaged Research’ is used as an overarching guiding principle or an umbrella term that describes research approaches that have a common interest in collaborative inquiry with society.

Experience the UNIC Strategy Forum

Join us on 18 & 19 November for an exciting programme. The forum is open to university academics, researchers, students, civic & community engagement staff, and city partners.

The forum consists of a series of events designed to:

  • Contribute to the development of a common understanding of engaged research,
  • Learn from engaged research best practices,
  • Map engaged research policies and practices within and across UNIC institutions,
  • Engage City Partners in dialogue on the societal challenges facing their municipalities and regions,
  • Participate in conversation and dialogue on how we can address together with our cities the challenges facing European municipalities and Regions.

Workshops and plenary session

The following workshops and plenary sessions are included in the programme:

  • Learning from Engaged Research Best Practices | January 18, 10:00-12:00 (online)
  • UNIC CityLabs and Engaged Research | January 18,  13:30 - 15:00 (online)
  • Mapping Engaged Research within and across UNIC | January 18, 15:00 - 17:00 (online)
  • Building a Commong Understanding of Engaged Research | January 19, 9:00 - 12:00 (in person)
  • UNIC European Cities: Societal Challenges | January 19, 10:00 - 12:00 (in person)
  • Towards a draft Declaration on Engaged Research | January 19, 13:00 - 14:45 (in person)
  • Plenary session: Engaging European Cities & Universities in Engaged Research (in person, at Erasmus Paviljoen)
More information

Are you interested in attending a workshop or the plenary session? Please send an email to unic@eur.nl.

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