Unlimited study success at the EUR!

What if studying comes with more obstacles than the usual exam stress?
Onbeperkt studeren aan de EUR
Tuesday 26 Jun 2018, 14:00 - 17:00
Campus Woudestein
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Man in rolstoel

Want to know more about how your life would look like if you had a functional impairment? Experience the world from a wheelchair? Participate in a wheelchair basketball clinic? Visit the awareness event around studying with a functional impairment at Erasmus University Rotterdam, highlighting the most common functional impairments.

The event will be opened by Rector Magnificus Rutger Engels in the central hall of the Sanders building. After the opening you can take part in a ‘college carrousel’ with a variety of presentations by hands on experts with plenty of room for discussion. Moreover, at the Plaza you have the possibility to test your arm strength in a wheelchair race or you can experience what it is like to be visually impaired.  Finally there is the possibility to join a wheelchair basketball clinic at Erasmus Sport.

The opening will start at 2 pm, from 2.30 pm onwards you can participate in the other activities. The event will end by 5 pm.

You have to register for the opening speech, the college carrousel and the wheelchair basketball clinic via the form below. The activities at Plaza are freely accessible for anyone interested all afternoon, make sure to stop by.

Students with a functional impairment often face extra challenges during their study career, nevertheless there is quite a number of EUR students who are facing these challenges with success. Nationwide (NL), 11.5 % of students in higher education (bachelor) have a functional impairment, a large part also needs extra facilities to successfully finish their study program.

Some functional impairments are very visible, but many are not. This means that they are not always noticed by teachers and fellow students. To give all staff, teachers and students an accessible …of what it is like to study at the EUR with a functional impairment, team ‘studying with a functional impairment’(E&S) organizes a special event on the 26th of June around this theme, highlighting some of the most common functional impairments. This event will take place between 2 and 5 pm and is freely accessible.

More information

What: learning about and experiencing what it is like to study with a functional impairment
When: 26th of June from 2 to 5 PM.
Where: Sanders Building, Plaza and Erasmus Sport
For whom: everyone who wants to learn more about studying with a functional impairment or is dealing with it already

Organisation: Studying with a functional impairment (USC Education & Student Affairs)
Roos Venema and Marlijn Timmermans
www.eur.nl/smf / smf@eur.nl



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