
  • Get to know the Library: an introduction

    A good preparation is half the work, and we therefore invite you to this introduction on navigating your Library.
    Wegwijzer introductie workshop UB
  • Get to know the Library: an introduction

    A good preparation is half the work, and we therefore invite you to this introduction on navigating your Library.
    Wegwijzer introductie workshop UB
  • Workshop RefWorks

    With RefWorks, you can easily capture, manage, save and share references in your own personal database.
    New RefWorks Logo
  • Enhance your academic visibility with ORCID!

    Learn in this 1 hour workshop how to create and use your ORCID iD to enhance the discoverability of your research outputs.
  • Enhance your academic visibility with ORCID!

    Learn in this 1 hour workshop how to create and use your ORCID iD to enhance the discoverability of your research outputs.

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