Library Drs. P

Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet
With her back to the camera, a young woman ascends the stairs in the Leeskabinet alcove, approaching tall and royally filled bookshelves.

In 2017, the Leeskabinet was afforded the opportunity to make a wide selection from the library of Heinz Polzer, aka Drs. P (1919-2015). The books were donated by the Het Heen- en Weerschap Foundation.Heinz Polzer graduated from the Dutch School of Economics in 1948 and was active in the fraternity Rotterdamsche Studenten Corps. He became known as a lyricist, poet and songwriter. Classic Dutch songs of his are De Veerpont (The ferry), De zusters Karamazov (The sisters Karamazov) and Dodenrit (Death ride). He was the inventor of countless special verse forms, of which he compiled collected volumes and anthologies. His library reflects his career and interests. It contains many inscribed copies from fellow writers, including his long-time friend Ivo de Wijs, and others such as Gerrit Komrij and Hugo Claus. Polzer used to give his wife a copy of each of his new books, accompanied by a verse. These copies are also part of the collection.

A copy of Grabbelton with a verse
A copy with verse for Polzer's wife.
Drs. P's travel suitcase with many old labels and stickers on it
Drs. P's travel suitcase.

The collection includes gramophone records and objects, such as prize statues, and Polzer's travel suitcase. For further reading see the (Dutch language) article about Polzerā€™s library in the Drs. P Jaar- en Bewaarboek (2018).

Polzer's library is a valuable addition to the thematic collection on humor in literature and culture, which has been continuously expanded since we acquired the humour collection by W. van den Berg and H. Scholten in 2002.

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