Library ORCID Support

The University Library supports EUR researchers in creating and using their ORCID iDs and records.

The Library ORCID Team provides LibGuide, workshops, individual support and answers any questions researchers may have via the ORCID mail.


This guide contains practical information on how to register for an ORCID iD, how to add publication data and other information to your ORCID record and how to use your ORCID iD in other systems.

ORCID Workshop

The Library organizes regular ORCID workshops to support EUR researchers in creating and using their ORCID iD. During the workshop you will learn about the different record settings, the information that must be added to make the most out of your ORCID iD, and how to add articles, blogposts, chapters or datasets to your record efficiently. Also addressed is why ORCID is so important and how you can reap its benefits throughout your academic career.  

You can also request a tailormade workshop. This ORCID workshop will either focus on a specific aspect of ORCID and/or an audience group (e.g. PhDs). Email for more information.

Individual Support

To receive one-on-one guidance from an Erasmus Library ORCID Team member, you can make an appointment in one of the available timeslots. Example topics that can be addressed during the appointment include: creating and using your ORCID iD, adding works to your record and/or enable auto-updates.

Quick scan ORCID record 

With a quick scan, your ORCID record is checked on a number of points and recommendations are made to supplement your ORCID record as easily as possible.

The sections are considered: 

  • Works.
  • Employment.
  • Funding.
  • Peer review.

Email to request a quick scan. Don't forget to mention your ORCID iD. 

Mail support

For enquiries, contact the Erasmus Library ORCID Team by mail: A team member will see to your mail as soon as possible. See our Frequently Asked Questions for general and ORCID record specific explanations.

Pure data automatically added to ORCID record

You can connect your Pure profile to your ORCID record. When you grant permission, new publications in the Pure repository will added automatically to your ORCID record. More information can be found in the EUR ORCID LibGuide. 

Find the registration links and more information below:

EUR ORCID Workshop

ORCID Workshop


Link to ORCID Libguide

EUR ORCID individual support

one-on-one support

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