Enjoy your holidays!

Summer is now upon us. On 21 June, we discussed our most recent plans with the Digital is the New Normal Steering Group and there is a great deal of activity to report.

In the field of Online Education, we are working with faculties on various online productions. Farshida Zafar has been inspirational in bringing forward the vision action plan: what challenges can we expect for EUR in 2020? Student groups are changing. How do we respond to this development with more online education and new tools? What do our lecturers need to prepare themselves for the future? How can we collaborate to improve our services, including our digital services? Together, we are developing a plan with the faculties and services with the working title ‘The Educators Hub’. We envision a network organisation, operated by lecturers and serving lecturers and involving students. We are working together on innovation and contributing to the quality of education.

There’s a lot happening and you can read about and share our experiences at each stage of our projects. We would like to wish you a great summer holiday. After the summer, there’s a full calendar of events such as the Online Education fair where colleagues will speak about their online projects. Join us - we’d like to meet you!

Kind regards,
Marieke Veenstra

Digital is the New Normal Programme Manager

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