prof.dr. (Liesbeth) LFH Enneking


Liesbeth Enneking is Professor Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at Erasmus School of Law (Erasmus University, Rotterdam). She obtained her doctorate in 2012 for a PhD on the role of civil litigation in promoting corporate accountability for human rights and environmental violations by internationally operating business enterprises. Over the past twelve years, she has published widely on legal and policy developments relating to responsible business conduct in global value chains, both nationally and internationally.

In her capacity as legal expert, Enneking has been actively involved in legal and socio-political debates on corporate social responsibility, fair trade, business & human rights, and sustainable development. She frequently gives presentations at seminars and conferences in the Netherlands and abroad, and is regularly consulted on legal and policy issues within her field of expertise. She has taken part in a variety of (multidisciplinary) research projects, the majority of which have been externally funded by organisations such as the European Commission, the Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Security & Justice, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the AXA Research Fund.

Enneking worked as a postdoc, assistant professor and associate professor at the Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law (UCALL) between 2013 and 2017. During the 2015-2016 academic year, she held a rotating professorship position at the University of Leuven’s Department of Law, a position funded by the Belgian/Dutch Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht (TPR). She holds ancillary positions as a member of the independent Monitoring Committee for the Dutch Insurance Sector's Agreement on International Responsible Business Conduct (since 2018) and as an Independent Member of the Dutch National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines (since 2021).  She is also a member of an Expert Committee for Universities of the Netherlands focusing on responsible and sustainable investment by the universities' pension fund ABP (since 2022). 

Erasmus School of Law

Full professor | Civil Law
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Liesbeth Enneking (18 October 2022) - Shell-vonnissen breekijzer in zaken tegen multinationals
  • Liesbeth Enneking (1 May 2022) - Door rechtszaken worden bedrijven en juristen wakker
  • Liesbeth Enneking (1 March 2022) - Uitbuiting, uitputting en vervuiling: wie is verantwoordelijk?
  • Liesbeth Enneking (5 July 2021) - Advocaat en CSR: Kijken naar wat legaal én juist is om te doen
  • Liesbeth Enneking (21 October 2019) - Westerse welvaart is deels gegenereerd door het feit dat men niet de werkelijke kosten ervan draagt
  • Liesbeth Enneking (11 December 2018) - Hoe worden we in 2019 wel duurzaam?
  • Liesbeth Enneking (14 June 2018) - The Dutch Child Labour Due Diligence Bill
  • T Linden & Liesbeth Enneking (10 October 2017) - SLAPP-suit tegen Greenpeace
  • Liesbeth Enneking (29 June 2017) - Nigeriaanse weduwes beginnen rechtszaak tegen Shell

  • Liesbeth Enneking (2023) - Dry run toezicht IMVO-wetgeving
  • Liesbeth Enneking & Loes Lennarts (2023) - De Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
  • Liesbeth Enneking (2023) - Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence - An Introduction to the CSDDD
  • Liesbeth Enneking (2023) - Responsible Business Conduct in Global Value Chains
  • Liesbeth Enneking & Loes Lennarts (2023) - Expert meeting CSDDD, nationale due diligence wetgeving en goldplating
  • Liesbeth Enneking (2023) - People, Planet Procederen? Over IMVO, due diligence en zorgplichten
  • Liesbeth Enneking (2022) - The CS3D proposal: Silver lining or black cloud?
  • Liesbeth Enneking (2022) - Expertsessie Commissievoorstel inzake Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
  • Liesbeth Enneking (2022) - Sneeuwwitje en de 5 V's - Inaugurele rede L.F.H. Enneking
  • Liesbeth Enneking (2021) - Investor liability for irresponsible business conduct in global value chains?

Universiteiten van Nederland

Start date approval
July 2022
End date approval
July 2025
Adviescommissie Duurzaam Beleggen ABP

CSR Juridisch

Start date approval
February 2024
End date approval
February 2027
Eigenaar juridisch adviesbureau

Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

Start date approval
February 2024
End date approval
February 2027
Onafhankelijk Lid OESO NCP voor IMVO

Master thesis Commercial and Company Law

Course Code

Property Law in Action

Year Level
Course Code

Owner CSR Juridisch

Start date approval
July 2022

Onafhankelijk Lid Commissie Duurzaam Beleggen ABP

Start date approval
April 2022
End date approval
March 2025

Independent Member Netherlands NCP OECD Guidelines

Start date approval
December 2021
End date approval
November 2025

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