Researcher profiles

260 results

  • dr. (Marhabo) M Saparova

    dr. (Marhabo) M Saparova
  • (Christina) C Sathyamala

    (Christina) C Sathyamala
  • (Margaux) MNC Schulz

    (Margaux) MNC Schulz
  • (Amod) A Shah, MA

    Amod is a PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in the Hague, The Netherlands. His research focuses on conflicts over coal…
    (Amod) A Shah, MA
  • dr. (Tsegaye Moreda) TM Shegro

    Tsegaye Moreda is an Assistant Professor in Development Studies/Agrarian and Rural Studies at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS, The Hague) of…
    dr. (Tsegaye Moreda) TM Shegro
  • dr. (Zemzem Shigute) ZS Shuka

    Zemzem Shigute Shuka is Assistant Professor of Global Health and Development at the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam,…
    dr. (Zemzem Shigute) ZS Shuka
  • dr. (Karin Astrid) KA Siegmann

    Holding a PhD in Agricultural Economics, I work as an Associate Professor in Labour and Gender Economics at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)…
    dr. (Karin Astrid) KA Siegmann
  • (Birendra) B Singh

    (Birendra) B Singh
  • (Asnake) WA Sisay

    (Asnake) WA Sisay
  • (Lillian) L Sol Cueva, MA

    I have followed a dynamic and versatile career. My professional experience includes work in public policy, human and womens rights, sustainable development,…
    (Lillian) L Sol Cueva, MA

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