From platforms for self-employed nursing work to challenges of workers when organising themselves in cooperative enterprise. The researchers of the 'Platform Labor Group' focus on these kinds of subjects. Six faculties are represented and every researcher is interested in platform labor in the broadest sense. They share common interest in how this new, technology-mediated form of labor is organised and regulated and what the consequences are for workers and the organisation of work.

Regularly the group gets together to discuss their work or a specific issue with a guest lecturer, such as the proposal for the EU Directive. They also hosted a documentary festival and are currently organising a panel on ‘Working in the Platform Economy’ in which they will discuss working conditions and possible regulations with workers and regulators (e.g., HR representatives).
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- Phuong Hoan Le
Introducing Gig Community Identification: On the Psychological and Communicative Bond Among Gig Workers.Email address - Ryan Morgan
PhD Candidate
The ghostworker’s well-being: An integrative framework.Email address - Anna Elias
PhD Researcher
Impact of digital platforms on livelihoods in the Indian informal sector.Email address
- José L. Gallegos-Quezada
PhD Candidate
Platform work / Time in Organizations / Labor RelationsEmail address - Justien Dingelstad
PhD Candidate
AI-driven technologies / day-to-day work practices / health care / ethnographyEmail address - Pallavi Bansal
External PhD Candidate
Feminist design of digital labor platformsEmail address
- Damion Bunders
PhD Candidate
Gigs of their own: Are worker-owned and worker-governed platforms viable?Email address - Anne Heslinga
PhD candidate
Games, platform-dependent entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial labourEmail address - Francisca Grommé
Assistant professor/AIPact Fellow
Hybrid employment in the platform economy: Who is juggling multiple jobs and how?; Towards a Gig Nursing Economy? The Role of Platforms in Self-Employed Nursing WorkEmail address
- Jans Berden
Junior researcher
Hybrid platform work, multiple jobholding, domestic and taxi services, narrative analysisEmail address - Iris Wallenburg
Associate professor
Platform work, nursing practice, healthcare governance, policy experimentsEmail address - Jing Hiah
Assistant professor/NWO Rubicon Postdoctoral fellow
Platform labour, migration/mobility, gender, race, entrepreneurship, informal labour, labour exploitation, ethnography.Email address
- Mariana Fried
PhD Candidate
Beyond the Silicon Valley story: Workers’ discursive experiences with the smart and digital cityEmail address - Claartje ter Hoeven
ERC-project: The ghostworker's well-being: An integrative framework ( address - Roy Huijsmans
Teacher / researcher
Platform-mediated Work, Migration, and Mobile Ethnography.Email address