Aleid Barmentlo

Aleid Barmentlo
I am very involved with all of the topics and like to attend as much of the university's events as possible.

Aleid Barmentlo

Chair University Council

A broad perspective on the university

"During my studies in Philosophy, I was part of the Faculty Council of the Erasmus School of Philosophy. It was there that I discovered my interest in the governance of the university. For a few years in a row I kept becoming more and more curious, taking a next step every following year. Hence, after being student member of the University Council, I ran for the position of chair and was happily elected by the Council. Fulfilling this position gives me the opportunity to keep learning every day. The combination of gaining insight in the management and governance of this university, as well as stimulating strong participation, provides me with a broad perspective on the whole university. Next to this I am enrolled as a student in the master Governance and Management of Complex Systems at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Studies, in which I am handed theory that fits with the practice of the University Council."

The various themes addressed

"During my time as chair of the Council (2017-2019) there are a lot of interesting subjects that the University Council discusses. Think for example of the issue of diversity and inclusion, the electoral system, study advancement grants, quality agreements, the strategy of EUR, the allocation model, the appointment of members of the Executive Board as well as members of the Supervisory Board and of course the strengthening of participation at Erasmus University Rotterdam in general. My focus is mostly on the process, but in order to be successful, I am also very interested in the content and aim to engage in substantive discussions by attending many activities on and off campus."

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