Dr. Emiel Martens (1980) is a media lecturer, researcher, programmer, and producer. He graduated cum laude in both Media Studies and Human Geography at the University of Amsterdam, was a visiting scholar at the Caribbean Institute of Media and Communication (CARIMAC) at University of the West Indies, Mona, and holds a Ph.D in Media Studies from the University of Amsterdam. His dissertation, entitled ‘Welcome to Paradise Island: The Rise of Jamaica’s Cine-Tourist Image, 1891-1951’, marked the first study of Jamaica’s early film history and its connections with the island's early tourism history.
Emiel joined the Department of Media Studies of the University of Amsterdam as a lecturer and researcher in 2004, where he is now working as Assistant Professor in Film and Visual Culture. In 2016, he also joined the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) to become a team member of the research project 'Worlds of Imagination' (ERC Consolidator Grant), a comparative study of film tourism in non-western societies. His research interests span the fields of Postcolonial (Media) Studies, Media Geography, Popular Geopolitics, Migration and Diversity Studies, Creative Industries, Film (and) Tourism and Alternative Media, with a particular focus on the history, theory and praxis of the (Anglophone) Caribbean film and visual culture.
Besides his posts at the University of Amsterdam and Erasmus University Rotterdam, Emiel is also the founding director of Caribbean Creativity, a non-profit organization committed to the promotion of Caribbean and Caribbean-themed cinema, board member of NALACS, the Netherlands Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, film review editor at ERLACS, the European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, text editor at the Dutch Film Festival, board member at IDleaks, a non-profit organization aimed at better communication about international development, co-organiser of the Ammehoela Film Festival, and one of the dudes of media and communications agency Dudes in your Face (Dutch: Gasten in je Gezicht).
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
More information
- Stijn Reijnders, Emiel Martens, Apoorva Nanjangud, Deborah Castro Marino, Rosa Schiavone & Débora Póvoa (2024) - Introduction: Worlds of Imagination - [link]
- Stijn Reijnders, Emiel Martens, Deborah Castro Marino, Débora Póvoa, Apoorva Nanjangud & Rosa Schiavone (2024) - Media, place and tourism: Worlds of Imagination - doi: 10.4324/9781003320586
- Emiel Martens (2023) - The failing promise of the audio-visual industries for national development: the history of seventy years of film policy in Jamaica, 1948–2018 - Creative Industries Journal, 1-28 - doi: 10.1080/17510694.2023.2223379 - [link]
- Débora Póvoa, Stijn Reijnders & Emiel Martens (2021) - A Brazilian Hollywood in the making? Film, tourism and creative city discourse in the hinterland of Paraíba - International Journal of Cultural Studies, 24 (5), 691-706 - doi: 10.1177/13678779211011635 - [link]
- Emiel Martens & W Oomen (2021) - Waarom deze ontwikkelingscampagnes echt niet meer kunnen - Vakblad Fondsenwerving, 7, 18-23 - [link]
- Emiel Martens (2020) - A Daughter of the Gods (1916): Film, Tourism and Empire on Location in Jamaica. - TMG - Journal for Media History, 23 (1-2), 1-40 - doi: 10.18146/tmg.599 - [link]
- W Oomen, Emiel Martens & A Piccoli (2020) - The Neoliberal Workings of ‘The Family Meal’ Campaign: Unfortunate Others, European Citizens, and the Branding of the EU - European Journal of Cultural Studies, 24 (1), 295-313 - doi: 10.1177/1367549420919851 - [link]
- Emiel Martens (2020) - Stop Filming Us: De film die inderdaad nooit gemaakt had mogen worden - One World Europe: - [link]
- Emiel Martens & W Oomen (2020) - Episode 14: Poverty Porn 2.0 - [link]
- Debora Ribeiro Povoa, Stijn Reijnders & Emiel Martens (2019) - The Telenovela Effect: Challenges of Location Filming and Telenovela Tourism in the Brazilian Favelas - Journal of Popular Culture, 52 (6), 1536-1556 - doi: 10.1111/jpcu.12861 - [link]
- Emiel Martens (2019) - European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (Journal)
- Emiel Martens (2018) - Annual Cultural Heritage Summer School on Cultural Landscapes
- Emiel Martens (2018) - DocuDoka
- Emiel Martens (2018) - DocuDoka
- Emiel Martens (2018) - European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (Journal)
- Emiel Martens (2017) - DocuDoka
- Emiel Martens (2017) - DocuDoka
- Emiel Martens (2016) - 1 jaar Stay West: rol van de media. Verbinden of polariseren?
- Emiel Martens (2016) - DocuDoka
- Emiel Martens (2016) - DocuDoka