Researcher profielen

  • (Yoonjung) Y Kang, MA

    (Yoonjung) Y Kang, MA
  • dr. (Marco) MC van Kerkhoven

    dr. (Marco) MC van Kerkhoven
  • dr. (Bernadette) BCM Kester

    Bernadette Kester (1959) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Media & Communication at Erasmus University. Her teaching and research activities…
    dr. (Bernadette) BCM Kester
  • (Amin) A Khaksar, MA

    Cultural Economics, Creative Industry, Popular Culture, Popular Music, Semiotics, Linguistics
    (Amin) A Khaksar, MA
  • dr. (Younghyun) Y Kim

    dr. (Younghyun) Y Kim
  • (Frank) FFP Kimenai

    (Frank) FFP Kimenai
  • dr. (Ofra) OFH Klein

    Ofra Klein is an Assistant Professor in Mediatisation and Digitalisation within the Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication (ESHCC) at Erasmus…
    dr. (Ofra) OFH Klein
  • prof.dr. (Hein) HAM Klemann

    Hein Klemann is Professor of Social and Economic History at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Current research (NWO-funded projects): …
    prof.dr. (Hein) HAM Klemann
  • (Karen) K Klijnhout, MSc

    Karen Klijnhout is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture. Her PhD research focuses on the impact of cultural…
    (Karen) K Klijnhout, MSc
  • dr. (Julia) J Kneer

    Julia Kneer is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam and chair of the Examination Board at ESHCC…
    dr. (Julia) J Kneer

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