Researcher profielen

  • drs. (Paul) PR Teule

    drs. (Paul) PR Teule
  • (Camille) CMC Thebaut

    (Camille) CMC Thebaut
  • dr. (Christopher) CL Thompson

    dr. (Christopher) CL Thompson
  • dr. (Elisabeth) EBR Timmermans

    Elisabeth Timmermans received a LEaDing Fellows scholarship and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Media & Communication. In 2017…
    dr. (Elisabeth) EBR Timmermans
  • dr. (Selma) S Toktas

    dr. (Selma) S Toktas
  • dr. (Annet) A Toornstra

    dr. (Annet) A Toornstra
  • dr. (Daniel) D Trottier

    Daniel Trottier is an Associate Professor at the Department of Media and Communication of Erasmus University Rotterdam. His current research considers the use…
    dr. (Daniel) D Trottier
  • (Irene) E Tsitse

    (Irene) E Tsitse
  • dr. (Ana) AC Uribe Sandoval

    AC Uribe Sandoval was born and raised in Guadalajara, Mexico where she worked as a journalist and PR specialist. She holds MA degrees in Corporate Communication…
    dr. (Ana) AC Uribe Sandoval
  • dr. (Jasper) J Vanhaelemeesch

    dr. (Jasper) J Vanhaelemeesch

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