prof.dr. (Kim) K Putters


Prof.dr. Kim Putters (1973) is Professor of Health Management at the institute of Health Policy and Management of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. As a public administration scientist he is part of the Healthcare Governance department. He wrote his PhD on the reforms in Dutch healthcare towards more entrepreneurship in health management (Geboeid ondernemen: een studie naar het management in de Nederlandse ziekenhuiszorg,Van Gorcum, Assen, 2001). Putters was worked at the department of Public Administration within the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Erasmus University until 2003, and at the Tilburg School of Politics and Administration at the Tilburg University until 2008. From 1997 until 2003 he also worked as an advisor to the Ministry of Health at the Council for Health and Social Service (de Raad voor de Volksgezondheid en Zorg).


Two methods are central in the research of professor Kim Putters:

  • A multidisciplinary approach of health management and its behavior in between market, government, professional domains and civil society.
  • An intersectoral orientation on the causes and consequences of blurring boundaries between health and other sectors and networks (amongst which are housing, mobility and welfare).

The research issues are:

  • Hybrid organisations within a public-private and professional context. Healthcare institutions have to respond to incentives of the market, government policies, professional demands and societal needs all at the same time. Changing markets, increasing needs and new technological possibilities ask for studies how this works and can be improved.
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation can improve healthcare services in terms of efficiency, quality and patient centeredness. Yet, several barriers hinder innovation. We study how innovations are being developed and spread, what chances and limitations look like and how this influences the roles and responsibilities of suppliers, providers, financers, patients, doctors and governmental bodies.
  • Relationship between research, knowledge, policy and practice. How can professional and policy practices be improved by science and knowledge? How do new ways of quality management, patient empowerment and transparency improvement work out in practice? And how can we bring science and practice closer to each other in health management.

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

Visiting professor | Health Care Governance (HCG)
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

More information


  • Kim Putters (1999) - Social Entrepreneurship, the next step
  • Kim Putters (1999) - Health Impact Screening: the possibilities for European public health policies
  • Kim Putters (1998) - The political and administrative context of health impact assessment
  • Kim Putters, Tom Grinten & Pauline Meurs (1998) - Social Entrepreneurship in Dutch healthcare
  • Kim Putters (1998) - De bestuurlijke inbedding van gezondheideffectsscreening
  • Kim Putters (1997) - Governance of Dutch Health Care: Hospital Management within a mixed Public-Private Context

  • Kim Putters, Lieke Oldenhof & J. Postma (2015) - Best Article Award Academy of Management for 'Justification work: how compromising enables public managers to deal with conflicting values'

Academic Development & Skills

bachelor 1
Year Level
bachelor 1
Course Code

Thesis HCM

master - jaar 2
Year Level
master - jaar 2
Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. (Kim) K Putters

Scheiden of verbinden

Het uit elkaar halen van beleid en uitvoering, gevolgd door het inbouwen van steeds meer controlemechanismen, ondermijnde volgens de WRR ook het vertrouwen.
Poppetjes met medicijnen

Eredoctoraat van Open Universiteit voor Kim Putters

Hij ontvangt een eredoctoraat vanwege de aansprekende wijze waarop hij, wetenschappelijk onderbouwd, complexe maatschappelijke kwesties toegankelijk maakt voor
Kim Putters

Opening Academisch Jaar: ‘Wetenschap moet stap naar voren doen om grote problemen op te lossen’

Prof.dr. Kim Putters en Ed Brinksma roepen wetenschap en politiek op om zelfbewust hun verantwoordelijkheid te nemen en oplossingen ontwerpen.

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