Why this programme

International Bachelor Communication and Media
IBCoM student on campus

What does this study entail?

Media, telecommunications, computer networks, and creative industries affect many aspects of daily lives and reach every corner of the world. They have had an increasing impact on political and cultural life, and on economies across the globe. The shift in our everyday experiences towards enhanced mediation has had enormous consequences. It has transformed international relations and business opportunities, but also citizenship and democracy, cognition, and culture, as well as people's personal and working lives. Communication and Media has thus become a vital and rewarding field of study, that will help you understand contemporary global society and to function successfully within it.

And that’s where IBCoM comes in, our interdisciplinary approach offers a strong basis in communication and media studies, while reaching out to other disciplines and study areas such as economics and business, psychology, political science, international relations, sociology, and arts and culture studies. As a result, upon graduation, you will have many opportunities for advanced studies within and beyond the field of communication and media.

Is this the right programme for you?

Why do people communicate the way that they do? How will technological developments like AI influence everyday life? What can you do to reach different cultures around the world? How do films like “Barbie” influence public debate? Do you want to find the cutting-edge answers to these questions? Then IBCoM is the bachelor for you!

Communication and media isn’t just a subject on its own, it’s intertwined with culture, sociology, politics and economics. As an IBCoM student, you will explore this interplay and develop original ideas on the transformational effects of communication and media. Think of its effects on international relations, businesses, democracy, and culture, as well as people’s personal and working lives.

As an IBCoM student, you will be part of our "IBCoMmunity". Interaction and connection between students is what makes IBCoM thrive as a programme. Your fellow students now will be your colleagues in the future. Therefore, IBCoM aims to be more than just an educational programme; it provides its students with opportunities to make friends, build professional networks, achieve personal growth, and develop their knowledge and skills in communication by engaging with all kinds of people and a variety of viewpoints.

International Bachelor Communication and Media Student Lennert studying at a table.

International Bachelor Communication and Media by Lennert

5 reasons to study IBCoM at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)

  • IBCoM has not only an internationally highly diverse student population and staff, but also a truly international curriculum, which pays due attention to the international and intercultural dimensions of communication and media;
  • next to a top-notch academic education, you will receive ample practical skills training through specialised workshops - e.g. in communication management and new media production - and the internship you will take in your second year;
  • You will join our IBCoMmunity in which no student is anonymous or left behind. IBCoM provides student-centred teaching, personalised attention, and a wide range of social activities.
  • you will have many extracurricular options that will help you to further develop your skills and interests, such as taking on an extra academic challenge in the IBCoM Honours Programme, writing for our IBCoMagazine, being a mentor and leader in the IBCoMpanion Programme, working as an Ambassador, serving on committees and councils, and more;
  • studying in Rotterdam means studying in a young, dynamic metropolis which keeps developing rapidly. Sparkling skyscrapers, an impressive port, hip restaurants and food markets, renowned museums, special attractions, and awesome festivals are the direct of the “can do” mentality of the people of Rotterdam.

More distinctive features 

  • IBCoM is the only programme that has been awarded the Distinctive Quality Feature Internationalisation (NVAO) and the European Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation (ECA), based on the international focus of its curriculum and the international diversity of its students and staff;
  • IBCoM is the highest rated programme by international experts in the field;
  • IBCoM students perform much better in their 1st year and throughout their studies than students in comparable programmes;
  • IBCoM is highly appreciated by its students for both the academic education and the practical skills training that it offers;
  • IBCoM has a strong focus on the international labor market;
  • IBCoM offers all third-year students the option to study abroad for a semester at one of our partner universities worldwide. IBCoM has enough spots for all students to go on exchange, and there is at least one partner university on each continent;

Why choose IBCoM? Check out these videos!

Word from our students

Jesper Pronk

Jesper Pronk - Alumnus International Bachelor Communication and Media

Try to find where your interests really lie before choosing which jobs to apply for.
Try to find where your interests really lie before choosing which jobs to apply for.

For which organisation are you currently employed and what is your job title?

RTL Nederland, Management Trainee

What main tasks do you perform?
During my traineeship of 18 months I will be working 6 months each for a different department within RTL. The first period I have worked as a project lead and data analyst at Videoland and RTL XL, RTL’s video on demand platforms. Working in multidisciplinary teams, I was responsible for setting up a new marketing project, managing a migration of a set of customers as well as analysing user behaviour, product features and A/B tests. Currently I am working as a data analyst at RTL Nieuws, the TV and online news department of RTL. Here I will be working towards better personalisation on our various online platforms by using the different data sources RTL has at its disposal as well as optimising user engagement. 

What made you decide to choose for a master (rather than immediately pursuing a career) after IBCoM?
Next to the expectation of employers in the Dutch Labour Market that you have completed a master degree, I also felt that it would better prepare myself for my future career if I had some more theoretical knowledge about my field of interest, in my case being Media & Business.

How long did it take for you to find a job after graduation? How did you find your job?
I already had a part-time job as a (social) media analyst during my studies, at which I could continue working during after completing my master. After that I quit that job to go on a three month-long trip to the other side of the world. Once I came back I started looking for jobs, leading to my application for the Management Traineeship at RTL a few weeks later, which ended up with me actually getting the job I wanted.

Is there a connection between what you have learned in IBCoM and your work? If so, how would you describe it?
Yes, there certainly is. I think IBCoM gave me a wide base of knowledge in the field of global communication and media, which combined with my own interest in the topic, still helps me in keeping up with market developments that are relevant for my current position at a major media company in a market that sits in the middle of vast (technological) disruption.

What advice would you give current IBCoM students about entering the labour market?
Try to find where your interests really lie before choosing which jobs to apply for. Does the company fit with your ideals and interests? Does the role give you enough opportunity to improve your skills and learn new things? Do you get responsibility for the work you deliver? If a job doesn’t feel right for whatever reason you can think of, it probably isn’t right for you at this early stage of your career. I don’t believe there’s something as a dream job, but I do think that working should be fun, so try to always keep that in mind!

Nali Majani

Nali Majani - Student International Bachelor Communication and Media

The most exciting aspects of IBCoM have been the teaching style at Erasmus University, which is very engaging. Aside from teaching, the environment at Erasmus is very social, which is an encouraging aspect for me being an international student far away from home.
The most exciting aspects of IBCoM have been the teaching style at Erasmus University, which is very engaging. Aside from teaching, the environment at Erasmus is very social, which is an encouraging aspect for me being an international student far away from home.

I have always strived for an international degree and I was sure about studying in Europe. But I wasn’t sure where I wanted to study. On the recommendation of family and friends, I paid a visit to Rotterdam and  there I knew that I had made the right choice applying to Erasmus. Not only did the IBCoM programme cover a lot of areas I was interested in, but the student body was diverse as well. The presence of an international community was a sign that other students were also seeing the value in the programme.

A broad foundation

Starting my first year was exciting. I was worried about the statistical courses because, although I was good in Math, it is a subject that does not come effortlessly to me. Thankfully, the course material is set up in a way that makes it easy to follow and gave me the necessary skills to carry out quantitative research. Furthermore, the first year provided me with a broad foundation in several aspects, which allows you to choose your specialization in your second year with insight into all the possibilities.

The teaching style at Erasmus

The most exciting aspects of IBCoM have been the teaching style at Erasmus University, which is very engaging. Also, the onus is put on students to pursue work within their own schedules, this teaches you the self-responsibility you need to succeed professionally, even after completing university. Aside from teaching, the environment at Erasmus is very social, which is an encouraging aspect for me being an international student far away from home.

Opportunity to live abroad

I am interested in marketing and advertising and I have therefore focused my assignments on this area, and I will most likely choose my elective courses in this field as well. Furthermore, I am looking forward to going on exchange in the third year and having the opportunity to live abroad! There are so many options and choices that I haven’t decided yet on where I would like to go, but regardless I am looking forward to exploring another culture for six months and broaden my international orientation!

Noelle Pelletier

Noelle Pelletier - Student International Bachelor Communication and Media

Aside from academics, the IBCoM community has been the highlight of my time at Erasmus. I have found a new home in the welcoming student body, and have made friends that I hope to keep for the rest of my life.
Portrait picture of Noelle Pelletier
Aside from academics, the IBCoM community has been the highlight of my time at Erasmus. I have found a new home in the welcoming student body, and have made friends that I hope to keep for the rest of my life.

I’m sure many of you have struggled to find the perfect university programme to pursue after high school and I’m here to tell you that I was no different! In fact, I tried two different fields of study before I found the perfect match for me; IBCoM.

This program will provide you with a variety of timeless foundational skills, such as professional writing and critical thinking, and teach them in combination with important social issues that our society faces today, such as the impacts of social media, political landscapes, and the future of globalization. For the first time in my life, I feel passionate about what I am studying and feel that I am being provided with skills and knowledge that will positively impact the world.

Aside from academics, the IBCoM community has been the highlight of my time at Erasmus. I have found a new home in the welcoming student body and have made friends that I hope to keep for the rest of my life. The exceptional diversity at IBCoM has expanded my knowledge of other cultures and has allowed me to consider global issues from new perspectives.

I can wholeheartedly say that my time in this program has been the best post high school experience and has exceeded my expectations both academically and socially. I have discovered new personal interests and developed exciting and unexpected ambitions for my future.

Portrait picture of Noelle Pelletier

Daria Ciepińska

Daria Ciepińska - Student International Bachelor Communication and Media

Thanks to the broader scope of IBCoM, I have the freedom and opportunities to explore fields that I am really interested in, which helped me to discover what career path I want to follow in the future.
Thanks to the broader scope of IBCoM, I have the freedom and opportunities to explore fields that I am really interested in, which helped me to discover what career path I want to follow in the future.

Why did you decide to study IBCoM?

I am interested in storytelling with a focus on the entertainment industry but also marketing and advertising. I liked the fact that Erasmus University Rotterdam is a university known outside of The Netherlands as well, and IBCoM is one of the most prestigious media related bachelors. What I really enjoy about this programme is the combinitation of theory and practise. I feel like this balanced approach of IBCoM really helps me to acquire knowledge in a most effective way.

What do you enjoy most about IBCoM?

My favourite thing about this degree is that thanks to its broader scope, I have the freedom and opportunities to explore topics and fields that I am really interested in, which helped me to discover what career path I want to follow in the future.

What kind of struggles did you encounter and how did you deal with them?

When I started IBCoM, I was still stuck with the mindset I acquired in high school that there are topics which are school-worthy and the ones I should not bother writing about, because they are not considered serious and they won’t get me good grades. Thankfully, with class discussions and feedback from teachers, I quickly realised it was completely invalid. I started writing about things I am actually passionate about even though they might not sound professional to some people. This resulted not only in my own satisfaction from the work I have done but also in better grades, as teachers here appreciate our engagement in the assignments as well.

Minke Mudde

Minke Mudde - Student International Bachelor Communication and Media

Studying IBCoM at Erasmus University is like discovering the world while being close to home.
Studying IBCoM at Erasmus University is like discovering the world while being close to home.

Why did you decide to study IBCoM?

For me, a Dutch student, studying IBCoM at Erasmus University is like discovering the world while being close to home. The international focus of the programme was an important reason for me to choose this path. There are students from all over the world studying at Erasmus which gives you an enormous opportunity to socialize with and learn from vastly different people. 

What do you enjoy most about the IBCoM programme?

One of the things I was most surprised by when starting my studies was how incredibly kind everyone is. It is scary to start school in a completely new city but the support I got from peers made it seem strange I ever worried about these things. The atmosphere at Erasmus is very positive and students are open minded and friendly. IBCoM is a programme in which you can really be yourself and develop in areas that matter to you.

What kind of struggles did you encounter and how did you deal with them?

In the first year, there were a lot of different topics to cover such as research and statistics or analyzing media and pop culture. Because of this there was always a class that I enjoyed. At first I struggled a bit with the transition from highschool to university as you suddenly become completely responsible for your own time management. There are no teachers to tell you when to do your reading and when to finish your homework but after a short period of adjustment, I found it liberating to be able to do everything my own way!

Maya van Mierlo

Maya van Mierlo - Student International Bachelor Communication and Media

IBCoM has students from all over the world coming to study here, but also gives prospects the opportunity to delve deeper into global topics such as politics, media, business, technology and much more!
IBCoM has students from all over the world coming to study here, but also gives prospects the opportunity to delve deeper into global topics such as politics, media, business, technology and much more!

Why did you decide to study IBCoM?

Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to learn about many different cultures, people and interact with them. This is an international study that not only has students from all over the world coming to study here, but also gives prospects the opportunity to delve deeper into global topics such as politics, media, business, technology and much more! Communication is another element of the study that is studied firsthand and teaches students how it is incorporated into our everyday live, the influence of it, and how it can be used to influence. 

What do you find most interesting about IBCoM?

We are given the opportunity to explore countless topics such as, social forces, business, politics, media entertainment, and more. I personally was interested in the business and media entertainment aspect and immediately fell in love with the idea of being able to further develop my knowledge of these two topics in my second year.

What kind of struggles did you encounter and how did you deal with them?

During my first year, a struggle that I learned to deal with was how to study. Through trial and error (failure and success come hand-in hand), I learned what the best way for me was to study, manage my time and organise myself to meet deadlines on time. All whilst enjoying my first year, making friends and exploring the beautiful, diverse, international city of Rotterdam. 

Lauren Watson

Lauren Watson - Student International Bachelor Communication and Media

IBCoM provides an incredibly unique opportunity to live in Rotterdam, complete an internship abroad, and spend our exchange period abroad, if we so wish!
IBCoM provides an incredibly unique opportunity to live in Rotterdam, complete an internship abroad, and spend our exchange period abroad, if we so wish!

Why did you decide to study IBCoM?

Rather than studying straight after school, I decided to enter the workforce immediately and travel for a few years. When I finally decided to give university a go, I spent a lot of time researching bachelor's of communication worldwide. Quickly I realised that IBCoM here at EUR was the ideal course for me.

What do you find most interesting about IBCoM?

What first caught my eye was the emphasis put on fostering a global mindset within the IBCoM community. This is not seen only through the theory we study, but it is genuinely put into practice. Study materials and lecturers encourage us to explore beyond our own experiences of the world when carrying out research. From a more practical point of view, apart from the fact that most of us are international students, IBCoM provides an incredibly unique opportunity for us to live here in Rotterdam, complete an internship abroad, and spend our exchange period abroad, if we so wish!

What kind of struggles did you encounter and how did you deal with them?

The only worry I had before arriving, was my level of mathematics as some courses are statistics-focused. Fortunately, I found plenty of support throughout the semester and have successfully improved my research abilities. Each week we are guided through exercises and put theory into practice straight away, building our confidence as well as our skills.

Hanna Kimmel

Hanna Kimmel - Alumna International Bachelor Communication and Media

The research method courses have helped me in thinking strategically about a number of challenges the NPO faces in the current environment.
Portrait picture of Hanna Kimmel
The research method courses have helped me in thinking strategically about a number of challenges the NPO faces in the current environment.

Ever since I was young, I found media a very interesting subject and I wanted to expand my horizon by studying in an international environment. The choice to study IBCoM was therefore not a difficult one for me, as it brought these two aspects perfectly together. The international environment is one of the things I liked most about IBCoM; it was very interesting to hear different perspectives on things. Of course, the opportunity to go on exchange, to Leeds (UK) was a very valuable experience as well, and one of my highlights during the three years at IBCoM.

After completing my bachelor’s in Communication and Media, I decided to continue my education at Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication by joining the Master Media & Business. One of the courses I followed was Media Policy, which prepared me well for my current job: Senior Advisor Strategy & Policy at the NPO, the Dutch Public Broadcaster. It certainly helped as well that I did my Master Thesis on public values in the online world, as this is a question the NPO grapples with. It is a very interesting time to be working at a public broadcaster: what does it mean to try and fulfill a public service purpose in a world where the choice in entertainment options is abundant and commercial international corporations play an increasingly important role in the life of Dutch citizens? It is very interesting and rewarding to get to think about this on a daily basis.

The research method courses during IBCoM have proven to be very valuable. Not because I do a lot of academic research in my current job, but because it helped me in developing analytical and critical thinking skills. This now enables me to think strategically about a number of challenges the NPO faces in the current environment. The course Media Systems also fits well with my current job. The way the public broadcasting system in the Netherlands is structured, makes much more sense when you have completed this course.

A piece of advice to all current and prospective students: always do the reading assigned to a course. Not because it’s obligatory but because it’s genuinely interesting and helps you to appreciate the subject you are studying more fully.

Portrait picture of Hanna Kimmel

Paul Hartwig

Paul Hartwig - Student International Bachelor Communication and Media

As my fellow students are also future colleagues, the study helps to develop a diverse and extended network.
Portrait picture of Paul Hartwig
As my fellow students are also future colleagues, the study helps to develop a diverse and extended network.

After visiting Rotterdam for the first time, I immediately knew that I wanted to study there. Being from a small town in Germany, the international atmosphere about Rotterdam was something I also wanted to reflect on in my study choice. It then didn’t take long for me to discover and go for the International Bachelor Communication and Media. It connects an international environment with a diverse curriculum that enables me to get insights into various career paths.

Nowadays, I have friends from all over the globe, which is helpful for my personal life, but I also believe that I can benefit from it career-wise. As my fellow students are also future colleagues, the study helps to develop a diverse and extended network. This is supported by the internship and the student exchange, which are also both part of the study and help you further familiarize yourself with topics of your preference. The favourite part about this study program is that it allows you to go into many different directions in the future. Which means that you can decide during your studies what the right career path for yourself personally is.

It is also important to mention that living abroad and in an international environment can be overwhelming at the start if you have never done so before. Cultural differences can lead to unknown situations, which require adaptation, respect and experience. However, this is also part of being an international student and building your own character, which is why I think IBCoM offers the perfect foundation for personal growth.

Portrait picture of Paul Hartwig

Jerick Kelly

Jerick Kelly - Student International Bachelor Communication and Media

Students who have an affinity for media and communication are bound to be a match with this program, as they can fully immerse themselves in how these fields interact with other fields.
Portrait picture of Jerick Kelly
Students who have an affinity for media and communication are bound to be a match with this program, as they can fully immerse themselves in how these fields interact with other fields.

For me, the International Bachelor Communication and Media for me was an unexpected choice. I heard about the program through a friend, and I signed up for an Open Day after researching the curriculum a bit. After attending the lectures and talking to students I was fully convinced that IBCoM was the perfect study for me. From that point forward I’ve given IBCoM my full attention.

One of the most interesting parts of IBCoM for me is the agency granted to students when it comes to their course selection procedure. And the ability to delve into many institutional fields such as business, politics, and entertainment. Students who have an affinity for media and communication are bound to be a match with this program, as they can fully immerse themselves in how these fields interact with other fields.

One of the many lessons IBCoM has taught me is to how to be adaptable to change. Once the program starts you will start a constant process of change; you will have new ideas, beliefs, and habits. Once you reach the second year of IBCoM your academic and professional career will start to flourish in ways you didn’t even consider. Your determination and motivation will guide you to new extremes while creating irreplaceable memories with your international classmates.

Portrait picture of Jerick Kelly

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