Evaluating Societal Impact team

  • Arwin van Buuren
    Arwin van Buuren

    Strategic Dean Impact & Engagement

    As the Academic Lead I want to foster the transition towards societal impact at the EUR. I provide overall direction for ESI and ensure that it is well aligned with the agenda of the board and the various entities within the university.
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  • Bianca Langhout
    Bianca Langhout

    Project Manager ESI and Recognition & Rewards

    As a Project Manager I create the preconditions that enable the team members to work towards the main objectives of the project: developing an impact governance structure and methods for impact evaluation with and for the EUR community. This will help the EUR community to work on their impact in a more structured way and to become an impact driven University!
  • Giovanna Lima
    Giovanna Lima

    Project Officer

    As an Impact Project Officer, I look forward to exploring how we can achieve our shared EUR ambition of being one community, working together to create positive impact with society.
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  • Stefan de Jong
    Stefan de Jong

    Assistant Professor ESSB

    My role in the ESI project is to study the evaluation of societal impact. I also contribute to developing our research methodologies. Finally, I maintain our links with the international scientific debate about impact.
  • Latiffah Salima Baldeh
    Latiffah Salima Baldeh

    Junior Researcher

    As a Junior Researcher at ESI, I work with the team to develop and improve impact strategies, governance structures, and (evaluation) tools with the aim of maximising societal impact EUR-wide.
  • Shelby Sissing
    Shelby Sissing

    Junior Researcher

    Within the ESI team, I collaborate with faculties to increase the understanding and incorporation of societal impact activities through the development of evaluation tools and governance processes.
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  • Tatiana Abi Aad
    Tatiana Abi Aad

    Junior Researcher

    As a Junior Researcher at ESI, I work within a team to help create the building blocks to facilitate EUR’s advancement towards becoming an impact-driven university. This involves developing schools’ impact strategies and ambitions, as well as creating and testing interactive evaluation tools.
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  • Erika Hajdu
    Erika Hajdu

    Design Researcher

    My job is to make sure that our team delivers impact evaluation methods to people at EUR in a useful and ’user-friendly’ way. Building on my background in human-centered design (product-, graphic-, and interaction design) I translate theories into hands-on tools that are rooted in people’s needs and wishes. (Perhaps I can even make them fun!)
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  • Portrait photo of Maud van Roessel with a white background.
    Maud van Roessel

    Junior researcher and project officer

    As a junior researcher and project officer for ESI, I help understand and make visible the activities and mechanisms that contribute to EUR's societal impact. I have a combined role as I also work for the Recognition & Rewards programme which complements my work for ESI. For both projects, I carry out research activities, create hands-on tools, and carry out communications activities — both internally and externally.​
  • Portrait photo of employee Mariela van Iersel.
    Mariela Miranda van Iersel

    Junior Researcher

    As a junior researcher, I work on developing impact strategies, evaluation, and governance structures to enable the creation of positive societal impact at EUR. I carry out research activities, advise internal stakeholders, create impact enabling tools, and organize communications and events to bring together EUR and society.
  • Portrait photo of Anna Smulders wearing a blue jean blouse.
    Anna Smulders

    Design Researcher

    As a Design Researcher on the ESI team, I am working on developing actionable tools and materials that contribute to impact development at EUR.
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  • Shiwei Chen

    Postdoctoral Researcher

    I am working on theory and practice of facilitating social change. As a sociologist and field researcher my own research trajectory bridges the social and life sciences. My research project with three Erasmus Initiatives studies the infrastructures that condition and mediate transdisciplinary collaborations, and our research work on societal impact in the team will adopt these empirical insights.
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  • Rachita Munshi
    Rachita Munshi

    PhD Researcher

    In my PhD research I focus on the societal impact of social obstetrics: an interdisciplinary field of the social, medical and public health domain. In this research the Erasmus Medical Centre and the Erasmus University work together to combine their expertise on impact research and social obstetrics. As part of the ESI-team I aim to gain insights in how we can effectively apply impact research in these different domains.
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  • Tung Tung Chan

    Senior Strategic Advisor – Research Intelligence and Impact

    Together with our team, I provide advise on how to formulate school-level impact ambition and strategy as well as monitoring and evaluation frameworks, methods, and metrics that reflect individual and team values.
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