Inspiration session Feedback Fruits: Introduction

Friday 16 Sep 2022, 10:00 - 11:00

Online via Zoom

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Would you like to learn more about FeedbackFruits and how to use these tools? In this session a tool suite introduction and introduction of (Peer) Feedback and interactive study material.

What is FeedbackFruits?

FeedbackFruits LMS-integrated tool suite is an all-in-one solution to boost student engagement & collaboration in any course setting. These tools empower teachers & learners to create synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences for every need.

Introduction to tools for (Peer) Feedback and Interactive study materials

Learn about the variety of user-friendly tools you can use to increase engagement and interaction in your courses, especially making the process of peer-reviewing easy and effective.

We will start with a brief introduction of the whole toolsuite, after which we will switch the focus a bit more to how you could potentially implement the tools in accordance with the learning objectives for your course, as well as how FeedbackFruits is integrated within Canvas.

  • Peer Feedback: Create structed, streamlined peer and teacher feedback activities in less time, with higher engagement.
  • Activating Study Material: Enhance students’active consumption of study materials (articles, videos, audio and presentations).

Hope to see you there! 

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