During your study

Financial Economics
Student smiling at the camera


Erasmus School of Economics offers top students the opportunity to take extra courses from Erasmus School of Economics’ top lecturers. These courses will teach you how to apply your academic knowledge when working at renowned organisations that are partners of Erasmus School of Economics. Furthermore you will be offered to write you thesis during an internship with one of these organisations. These Master programmes will also offer you the opportunity to exchange experiences and to network during the social events.

Honours Class Private Equity

The Honours Class Private Equity is an extracurricular programme designed to complement your Master studies by applying theory to practical scenarios. Alongside 24 students from various Master specialisations at Erasmus School of Economics and other universities, you will participate in guest lectures, a private equity game, and a symposium, all facilitated by an international investment firm in Rotterdam.

Successful private equity ventures demand a multi-dimensional approach, integrating finance theory for valuation and governance, strategic analysis for investment theses, economics for market understanding, and econometrics for forecasting. Collaborating with fellow students from various backgrounds nurtures interdisciplinary skills, enhancing the application of theory.

Tailored for both students with and without a finance background, the programme hones technical, analytical, and communication proficiencies. Upon successful completion, you will earn 5 extracurricular ECTS credits. Please note that, these ECTS cannot replace or compensate standard coursework credits.

Detailed information about selection and admission

Study associations

Among the character traits that define Rotterdam students are their high level of activity and their hardworking mentality. They are actively involved in all sorts of consulting associations and often have side jobs as student assistants to professors or in the administrative departments of the faculty. Their contribution keeps the faculty on their toes and allows them to incorporate the students’ opinions.

The character of the students is also demonstrated by the active faculty and study associations. The study association of Financial Economics is FSR.

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