MA Alumnus Joost De Raeymaecker
I opted for this master in philosophy because I wanted to continue to study more advanced materials and problems, especially those related to continental philosophy and its history. The Erasmus School of Philosophy has quite a reputation when it comes to this; several of its members work on art, ecology, politics and technology within this tradition, and have excellent track-records doing so. This makes this faculty a top pick.
Throughout the master, you are encouraged to engage with contemporary challenges, to do research, to develop expertise that can live up to these challenges and to present your findings through papers. Both staff and program are very supporting; supervision and feedback is personal and often excellent. Faculty and students together provide an environment that allows you to get comfortable, vulnerable, to explore how far your intellectual capabilities take you, and to train to increase them. If you are interested in philosophy and its contributions to this world, if you want to challenge yourself and you are willing to work hard, this master could be for you.
In addition to experienced staff, a specialised program, and a vibrant student community, the faculty also offers opportunities to take part in extra-curricular activities. You can take on a position as an editor of one of the two faculty magazines, become a tutor, become a member of the faculty counsel or another body, and complement your academic training with skills and experience that support your future work.
After graduating, I will be looking to continue what has now become my research. Reading, writing, teaching, setting up shop and organising programs that spur creativity, knowledge exchange, cooperativity and respons-ability. The development of a supporting phd proposal is already underway.

MA Alumnus Floris van der Pol
After finishing my bachelor’s degree at the Erasmus School of Philosophy choosing my master program was an easy choice. I wanted to do it at the place that made me feel at home: the Erasmus School of Philosophy. I haven’t studied at other universities, but I have started degrees at two other faculties at our campus. And let me tell you, the Erasmus School of Philosophy is a special place. Due to its small size, the approachable staff and the wonderful student association ERA I immediately felt like I was part of a larger community. To be able to study philosophy there, has always felt like a privilege.
It’s only two days ago, as I am typing this, that I defended my Master Thesis. Officially I am now an alumnus, which feels awfully strange to write for the first time. Gladfully, at the same time, I am an employee of the faculty. Soon after I started studying at the Erasmus School of Philosophy I became a student-assistant, was able to give tutorials and over the years I grew from, what the former director of education endearingly called, a small fish to a big fish. If you decide to study here, you will probably see me sitting in one of the offices, preparing tutorials, grading assignments of the bachelor students or secretly working on my first novel, which is my great other love besides philosophy (and besides my girlfriend, who I actually met at our faculty).
If there is one thing in particular that I can share it’s this: get to know your fellow students. Philosophy has the tendency to be a lonely occupation. Reading, writing, thinking, are often and seemingly necessarily done alone. But ideas can only foster when they are expressed, when they bounce against other ideas and who better to throw your ideas against than your classmates, others who share the same passion. So, pack your bags, come to Rotterdam and please give me a wave when you’re passing me in the hall.