How can young people get a sustainable place in the neighbourhood? How can they feel welcome and at home? And how can they be better represented in policy? That is what scientists from Erasmus University investigated in Rotterdam's Reyeroord neighbourhood. The arrival of a youth hub is now a fact.
The Recht op Reyeroord project, led by Dr ir. Emiel Rijshouwer and Dr ir. Els Leclercq, investigates providing space for young people in the neighbourhood. The project is divided into two parts: Part 1 focuses on how to make space for young people in the neighbourhood and exploring institutional boundaries. Part 2 focuses on how young people and local organisations occupy this space and concretely how young people can be supported to develop, programme and run their own youth hub called HQ.
Various research methods to promote empowerment
Various methods were used during the project, including action research, community building and design research, to achieve real empowerment of the young people. Art, introduced by street artist Ricardo van Zwol and teacher Silvia, played an important role in involving young people in the creation of the youth hub.
Documentary "Ons Recht op Reyeroord"
Studio Roodenburch followed on camera the process of creating the youth hub in Reyeroord, which opened its doors on 1 June 2023. Young people, initiators from the neighbourhood, youth workers, teachers, policymakers and researchers who put their heart and soul into it were asked about their experiences and ideas.

Our Right to Reyeroord - Aftermovie

Parties involved in "Recht op Reyeroord"
Gemeente Rotterdam, Vital Cities and Citizens, Design & Publics, Resilient Delta Initiative, Talentz Skool, Vereniging BLIJ, Samen Voor, JOZ (Jongerenwerk op Zuid), SOL, Mr. van Eijckschool, Veenoordschool, Kenniswerkplaats Leefbare Wijken, SKVR, Pantopicon, Chance to Influence, Veenoord College and Erasmus Trustfonds.
Photos from the premiere of Right on Reyeroord
Photographer: CCtv

- E. Leclercq
- Emiel Rijshouwer