Upcoming PhD defences

  • PhD defence C. (Chinmoy) Saha

    Novel Insights Into the CRISPR-Cas and Eukaryotic Cells Interactions
  • PhD defence P.L.M. (Patty) Lakenman

    Nutritional Assessment in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19
  • PhD defence D. (Deborah) van de Wal

    Health-Related Quality of Life in GIST Patients, with a Focus on Treatment with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
  • PhD defence X. (Xiaowei) Kang

    The Intersection of Asset Allocation and Factor Investing
  • PhD defence B.E.J. (Brechtje) van Zeijts

    Different Medium, Same Processes? Reading comprehension instruction in primary school incorporating audio and video
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  • PhD defence D. (Danny) Noack

    Novel Models to Study Orthohantavirus Infection and Pathogenesis
  • PhD defence I.W.M. (Irma) Cleven

    Penal Protection Orders and (Ex-)Partner Violence: Unravelling How and When Survivors Feel ‘Empowered’.
  • PhD defence J. Klooster

    Robust Inference in Instrumental Variable Models.
  • PhD defence by Maria Dafnomili

    In her PhD thesis, Maria Dafnomili investigates the impact of financialization on the emergence of growth volatility, leading to global economic crises.
    Maria Dafnomili
  • PhD defence V.Z. (Vazula) Bekkers

    Needle-Free Jet Injector-Assisted Drug Delivery in Dermatology :Towards effective and minimally invasive treatment of severe keloids

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