Drawing of a student explaining a dilemma to fellow students

Theory is often difficult to translate into practice. A case can offer a solution. Students actively apply the material from sessions and lectures to current and realistic societal problems.

Activity goal
Activate prior knowledge | Exchange knowledge | Recap / Summarize
In class
Offline | Online
< 30 minutes
Group size

Canvas, FeedbackFruits, Padlet


Step 1

Look for a current article/news item that has common ground with the lecture material. 

Step 2

Introduce the case and give students the assignment. You can give different assignments for a case. Take a look at Extra Information for ideas. 

Step 3

Divide the students into small groups (3-5) and have them work on the assignment for a certain period. 

Step 4

Discuss the results of all the groups in a plenary session.

Variation - Have the students do the work

Prior to a tutorial, give several students the task to come up with a case (problem/article) that connects with the lecture material. Start the tutorial by introducing the subject matter, and have the students briefly pitch their case. Students can then pose short questions and give feedback in the tutorial, with the goal of fine-tuning/adjusting 1 case together. 
This case can then be used for teaching. 


  • You can add different assignments to a case, but limit it to 1 assignment per group. Have the students address the case using literature. Or have them describe different perspectives that apply to the case. Another option is to have the students search for the cause of the problem.  This helps them to learn to look at problems in different ways and stimulates discussion in the groups. Please take your learning goal into account!
  • Combine the case with the Jigsaw teaching method or Synthesize it method

Use tools such as Padlet or FeedbackFruits (Interactive Document) so that different groups can make online annotations in a document.

Consider the tools and materials mentioned here as suggestions. In many cases it’s possible to use alternative tools. Please turn to the Learning & Innovation team of your faculty first to see which online and offline tools are available and how to apply them.

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