
Quescussion is an informal discussion format, with a major distinction that students are only allowed to ask a question about the topic. The obligation to ask questions is an effective method to generate a discussion about controversial topics. Moreover students structure and scaffold their thinking by asking questions, which results in a deeper understanding of the content.

Activity goal
Activate prior knowledge | Exchange knowledge
In class
Hybrid | Offline | Online
< 30 minutes
Group size
Small | Medium | Large

MS Teams, Zoom, Miro


Step 1

Prepare a trigger which is connected to the teaching material. This can for example be a problem that needs to be solved, a provocative question, a videoclip or a website that needs to be analysed. 

Step 2

Explain that the students are only allowed to ask questions, they shouldn't make statements.

Step 3

Start a time slot for students to ask questions. Let them write their questions on a noteboard or shared screen so it's visible for everyone. 

Step 4

Start the discussion and let the students ask their questions. The lecturer answers all questions and students shouldn't answer each other's questions. In case a student makes a statement, she/he must reformulate the statement into a question. The goal is to have an informal discussion in which everyone gets the opportunity to ask questions.

Step 5

At the end of Quescussion ask the students to select the two or three most interesting questions to understand the topic better. You can use these questions to start a discussion about the topic. If you noticed misconceptions in the discussion you can address these now. 

Variation 1

Instead of having a discussion at the end of the Quescussion, you can also give the students a follow up assignment where they need to research answers themselves. 

Tip 1

When teaching a large group, split into subgroups of 8-10 students.

MS Teams or Zoom for an online or hybrid meeting.

You can share a link to a Miro board with students so they can simultaneously write their questions down. In the same Miro board you can start a voting session for the most interesting questions. Consider to divide a larger group in smaller ones to keep the amount of questions manageable.  

Consider the tools and materials mentioned here as suggestions. In many cases it’s possible to use alternative tools. Please turn to the Learning & Innovation team of your faculty first to see which online and offline tools are available and how to apply them.

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