Zouhair Hammana

Zouhair Hammana, doctoral candidate within the Erasmus Initiative Vital Cities and Citizens, studies how secondary school teachers cope with diversity.

Zouhair Hammana

VCC PhD Researcher

Zouhair Hammana, doctoral candidate within the Erasmus Initiative Vital Cities and Citizens, studies how secondary school teachers cope with diversity. This means looking into the teaching material, the composition of the class and other related determinants. How do they perceive diversity? And how is this shaped within the classroom? The focus of his study is mainly on teachers in large cities with diverse populations, but he also takes into account future teachers, currently in teacher training. He mainly uses his sociological background but combines this with anthropology and postcolonial and decolonial studies. Through, among others, podcasts, interviews, articles and social media he wants to bring about societal impact. His wish is to trigger systemic changes through education and research.

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