Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Thomas) TA Calkins III

    dr. (Thomas) TA Calkins III
  • (Lis) LAJ Camelia, MA

    (Lis) LAJ Camelia, MA
  • drs. (Astrid) A Cevaal

    drs. (Astrid) A Cevaal
  • dr. (Vidhi) V Chaudhri

    **Vidhi Chaudhri** is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam where she teaches in the International…
    dr. (Vidhi) V Chaudhri
  • (Marina) M Cheffe

    (Marina) M Cheffe
  • dr. (Vivian) HH Chen

    Dr. Chen’s research interests include how technology brings changes in communication behaviors and facilitate both negative and positive individual and social…
    dr. (Vivian) HH Chen
  • (Kaixin) K Cheng, MA

    Kaixin Cheng (Xiaoming) is a PhD candidate and junior lecturer at ESHCC, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Supervised by promotors prof. dr. Marc Verboord and prof…
    (Kaixin) K Cheng, MA
  • (Alba) A Clement, MSc

    (Alba) A Clement, MSc
  • (Potter) J Clempner

    (Potter) J Clempner
  • (Tamira) TJ Combrink

    (Tamira) TJ Combrink

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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