Researcher profielen

  • (Jamie) JR Verwey

    (Jamie) JR Verwey
  • drs. (Rieke) H Veurink

    drs. (Rieke) H Veurink
  • drs. (Mildred) M Visser

    drs. (Mildred) M Visser
  • (Gigi) GCWP Vissers

    (Gigi) GCWP Vissers
  • (Jan) JMH Vissers

    Health Operations Management / Zorglogistieke Bedrijfsvoering Healthcare Logistics within (operations management) or between (supply chain management) provider… (Jan) JMH Vissers
  • dr. (René) RCJA van Vliet

    René van Vliet is associate professor of statistics in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He holds a doctoral…
    dr. (René) RCJA van Vliet
  • dr. (Manja) M Vollmann

    Manja Vollmann is an Assistant Professor of Health Psychology at the section Socio-Medical Sciences of the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management. She…
    dr. (Manja) M Vollmann
  • dr. (Robert) RAA Vonk

    dr. (Robert) RAA Vonk
  • (Lisa) L Voois, MSc

    Lisa Voois is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus School of Economics and the Tinbergen Institute, supervised by Dr. Teresa Bago d'Uva and Prof. Dr. Eddy van…
    (Lisa) L Voois, MSc
  • dr. (Daphne) DC Voormolen, MSc

    Halfway through April 2020 Daphne started as a Postdoctoral Research at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management. The current focus of her research is…
    dr. (Daphne) DC Voormolen, MSc

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