A Walk With.. Tsjomme Zijlstra
If you are passionate about something, you’ll easily learn how to do it properly. It took Tsjomme one discontinued year of law and one discontinued year of psychology to realise that studying something you like is more important than studying something. Tsjomme chose Philosophy at EUR, which was just right for him.

Leaves us with the question: where did this mentality get Tsjomme in his professional career? He is founder and director of Kaapse Brouwers, a beer brand with a brewery and multiple bars in the city of Rotterdam. During a long walk along the Kralingse Plas we talk to Tsjomme about the corona pandemic and the effects on his business, internationally exported craftbeer and the battle between local brewers and the ‘big brands’ like Heineken. Additionally, Tsjomme gives some insights into the restructuring of his company that was necessary to keep the brand on the right track.
The thing that unites philosophy, entrepreneurship and his passion of brewing beer is getting people together. Whether for a philosophical discussion, a heated debate or an IPA, Stout or Porter – or preferably, all at the same time. Play the video for Tsjomme’s full story and hear him discuss his life’s goals: taking over both Heineken and In De Smitse, the campus bar at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
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