International Lecture Series DPAS | Lecture Dr. Brienna Perelli-Harris

Monday 5 Nov 2018, 10:00 - 11:00
Campus Woudestein
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Changing relationships and the increase in cohabitation: social selection, psychological processes, and cross-national variation.

Lecture by dr.Brienna Perelli-Harris, University of Southampton

Dr. Perelli-Harris is preparing to submit a ERC Consolidator grant to incorporate psychological constructs into social demographic research on the family. In particular, she is interested in how early attachment with parents, emotional development throughout adolescence, and stress is associated with partnership formation and childbearing in adulthood. In her lecture, she will present her research ideas and would love to hear your thoughts and comments on her ideas.

Lecture organized by the research forum “Welfare states, families and work"

Brienna  Perelli-Harris joined the University of Southampton in 2011. Previously she was a Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany and a post-doc at the University of Wisconsin. She completed her Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Michigan in 2006. Dr. Perelli-Harris is interested in studying changes in the family in comparative perspective. Working with researchers across Europe, the USA and Australia, she uses demographic techniques, advanced quantitative methods, in-depth qualitative approaches, and policy analysis to explore the underlying reasons for the development of new family formation behaviours. 

Dr. Perelli-Harris recently completed a five-year European Research Council starting grant to study the increase in childbearing within cohabitation in industrialised countries (visit This project provided insights into why cohabitation has increased so rapidly in some countries, but not in others. As part of this project, she edited a Special Collection in Demographic Research “Focus on Partnerships: Discourses on cohabitation and marriage throughout Europe and Australia.”

Currently, her research examines the consequences of cohabitation, marriage, and childbearing. Working with collaborators from Australia, the U.S., Norway, and Germany, she has analysed a range of outcomes across the lifecourse, including mental well-being, health, life satisfaction, and wages. She is an Associate Editor for the European Journal of Population and a member of the Generations and Gender Programme Council of Partners. In 2016, the European Association for Population Studies awarded her the Dirk van de Kaa Award for Social Demography.

More information

Marjolein Kooistra, media relations ESSB, 

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