Societal recognition


As social scientists, we have a social responsibility. We are not only interested in how society works and why society changes. We are also concerned with the influence of changes on human behaviour and society and how our knowledge can contribute to our common well-being.

Societal recognition

A number of ESSB sociologists and public administrators occupy an important position in society. Below is a selection of the social nominations of ESSB members.

  • Martijn van der Steen
    Prof. dr. Martijn van der Steen
    Member of the Health and Society Council
  • Prof. dr. Menno Fenger
    Chairman of Knowledge Platform Work & Income
  • Foto van Sandra van Thiel
    Prof. dr. Sandra van Thiel
    Chairman Scientific Advisory Board Police
  • Dr. Ferry Koster
    Prof. dr. Ferry de Koster
    Member of the Research Council Netherlands Institute for Public Safety (NIPV)
  • Professor Renske Keizer on campus close up
    Prof. dr. Renske Keizer
    Appointed to the Science Committee of The Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (NIDI-KNAW)
  • Foto van Eveline Crone
    Prof. dr. Eveline Crone
    Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board (WAR) of the MIND Us Foundation
  • Dr. Yara Toenders
    Secretary of the Scientific Advisory Board (WAR) of the MIND Us Foundation

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