Researcher profiles

  • (Kiki) KA Bruidegom

    (Kiki) KA Bruidegom
  • drs. (Suzan) SJM van Brussel

    drs. (Suzan) SJM van Brussel
  • (Sophie) S Buchel

    (Sophie) S Buchel
  • (Sanjay) SWL van Buel

    (Sanjay) SWL van Buel
  • prof.dr. (Moniek) MA Buijzen

    Moniek Buijzen is Erasmus University Professor of Communication and Change, with a current focus on the integration of AI in society. She is the academic lead…
    prof.dr. (Moniek) MA Buijzen
  • (Anne) AL Bülow, MSc

    Anne Bülow is a PhD candidate at the ADAPT-Project ( She is studying micro-dynamics of parenting adolescents, using experience sampling…
    (Anne) AL Bülow, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Jack) JPL Burgers

    Jack Burgers is a sociologist and professor of urban studies at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. He lectured at the Universities of Tilburg and Utrecht, and at…
    prof.dr. (Jack) JPL Burgers
  • (Vivien) VM Butot, MSc

    (Vivien) VM Butot, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Arwin) MW van Buuren

    **Arwin van Buuren is Full Professor of Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam.** Arwin (1980) is the Director of the Department of Public…
    prof.dr. (Arwin) MW van Buuren
  • dr. (Nele) NJL Cannaerts

    dr. (Nele) NJL Cannaerts

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