Jochem van Noord

I would recommend this master programme to anyone who wants to broaden their understanding of political and societal dynamics and the interplay between these!

Jochem van Noord

Student Master in Sociology, research trainee. Specialisation: Politics & Society

“The perspective of political sociology excites me as it gives me a deeper understanding of the dynamics in today’s politics and society. Often politics is only analysed at the level of political parties and institutes, but it is much more than that! Political sociology also looks at the citizens behind political movements and dynamics, who are often much more influential in shaping political dynamics. Political sociology is a perspective that includes this ‘other’ side of politics: the societal side.

The lecturers and staff of this master programme – whom I had close cooperation with during my studies – are all very skilled and knowledgeable, but also very pleasant to work with. I would recommend this master programme to anyone who wants to broaden their understanding of political and societal dynamics and the interplay between these!”

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