Return your book at the end of the loan period or extend the loan period.
Returning borrowed books
Return books through the self-return unit in the University Library. This can be found in West 0 next to the information desk. Books can also be returned in the Polak Building by depositing them in the return box near the entrance. In the ISS Library the self-return unit can be found next to the Library Services Desk.
After returning, a book is removed from your EUR student card or library card as soon as possible.
Extending the loan period and overdue charges
The loan period for books is four weeks. After four weeks the loan period will be renewed automatically. We do this up to three times. If you do not return a book in time, you will receive a reminder (recall) after the due date and a second reminder after a week. After that you will receive a bill for the replacement of the book. Find the overdue charges under Fines and fees.
Extending is not possible if:
- the book has been reserved by another borrower;
- you owe overdue charges.
If a book is reserved by another borrower, hand it in before the due date.
You can extend the loan period yourself through My Account in sEURch. Follow these steps:
- In sEURch, click on the Sign in button at top of the screen;
- EUR staff or student? Select: Login with ERNA account;
- Borrower without ERNA-ID? Select: Users without ERNA account: login with library account;
- Enter your details;
- Sign in changes into a My account;
- Choose My Account;
- The Checkouts tab contains an overview of your borrowed books;
- Extend the loan period of your books by clicking Renew Items for each book;
- Make sure that the Due Date has changed!
You can also ask the library to extend the loan period of your books through the online forms of the University Library or the ISS Library. Also use this form to extend the loan period of a book you borrowed from another library (ILL book). Unfortunately you can't do this yourself. You will receive an answer by e-mail as soon as possible.
Please note
- As a borrower you are responsible for returning books on time or extending the loan period.
- You are also responsible for ensuring that you receive e-mail or post addressed to you. Failure to (timely) receive e-mail or post addressed to you on account of an address change, a full e-mail box, etc. are not valid arguments for the library to cancel overdue charges.
- Your card will be blocked if you have costs on your account.
- If you have lost a book, please report this as soon as possible to the library in question.
- In case of a dispute with the library about whether or not you have returned a book on time, the library administration will be decisive, unless you have a receipt of return.