After graduation

Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing
Student smiling with a closed smile at the camera

Solid (management) decisions in business and marketing increasingly depend on quantitative analysis. Therefore, many companies seek the support of data scientists and marketing analysts to make smarter business decisions. Not surprisingly, data scientists and business analysts are in high demand. For the first step in their careers most of our alumni found jobs within two months after graduation. They are working as a (marketing) researcher, consultant or data scientist at organisations like:

  • MIcompany, KPN, Vodafone, Unilever, Ahold Delhaize, Coolblue and
  • Consultancy firms: general or specialised consultancy firms like McKinsey & Company, Accenture, Deloitte and EY
  • Financial institutions: banks (ING, Knab) and insurance companies (Allianz, Nationale Nederlanden, FBTO)
  • Academia. *

Such positions are also excellent stepping-stones for a senior research or management position at similar corporations and institutions.

* Based on details from alumni graduated between January 2018 and July 2020

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