Asya Zhelyazkova
Asya Zhelyazkova is an Assistant Professor in European Politics and Public Policy at Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is also IMP’s master coordinator. Her research interests focus on EU and national public policy, enforcement of EU policy, European integration, transparency of governance outputs and quantitative methods. She has coordinated a number of research projects, including one funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation that focuses on domestic legislative and practical responses to EU policies.

Clara Egger
Clara Egger is an Assistant Professor in Global Governance at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research interests broadly focus on the political economy of crises and crisis-management policies, relief aid, the interaction between democratization and development processes as well as the domestic origins of international cooperation. Her ongoing projects include the ZonMw-funded EXCEPTIUS project – analysing the modalities, determinants and impacts of Covid-19 containment policies on democratic governance and human rights in Europe as well as the NEWCOMERS project focusing on the origins of disaster-management institutions in the Global South. Within IMP, she teaches the International Organizations and Development and the Professional Development : Preparation to the Labour Market courses.

Koen Migchelbrink
Koen Migchelbrink is an Assistant Professor of Public Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research is interdisciplinary and focuses on political history, public administration, and statistics. His current research focuses on public management reform, citizen-state interactions, public trust in government, and public participation. More specifically, he is interested in how public officials’ attitudes toward public participation in administrative decision-making shapes participatory processes and outcomes. He teaches International Public Management.

Maria Schiller
Maria Schiller is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Migration and Diversity at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research is motivated by the desire to understand and capture the dynamics of migration and diversity, with a particular focus on Europe. In her research, she investigates policy implementation, street-level bureaucracy and governance networks, and she often takes a comparative approach. She holds a PhD in Migration Studies from the University of Kent. Together with Peter Scholten, she teaches the course Comparative Public Policy in the IMP master program.

Markus Haverland
Markus Haverland is the Chair of Political Science at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research focuses on EU policymaking, comparative politics, comparative public policy and case study designs. His most recent research focuses on the impact of politicisation on EU agenda setting, decision-making, compliance and interest intermediation, both in general and concerning financial and economic regulation. He teaches European Union Policy Making within IMP.

Michal Onderco
Michal Onderco is Professor of International Relations at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He teaches courses on global governance, EU foreign policy and security studies. His research focuses on the domestic politics of foreign policy (with particular focus on Europe and South Africa), and informal cooperation processes in global governance (with particular emphasis on nuclear governance). His most recent research project focuses on the link between emerging technology and nuclear disarmament. Within IMP, he teaches the courses Global Governance, and EU in the World.

Pieter Tuytens
Pieter Tuytens is an Assistant Professor in the Management of International Social Challenges at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research uses comparative political economy to focus on questions regarding the relationship between welfare and finance, as well as the politics of policymaking for the long term. He serves as policy expert for the European Social Policy Network and is involved in an ongoing H2020 project on sustainable neighbourhoods (PROBONO). Within IMP, he teaches International Organizations and Development.

Saliha Metinsoy
Saliha Metinsoy is an assistant professor of International Relations at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research interests broadly concern the interlinkages between domestic and international politics with a specific focus on global governance institutions and policies. Previously, she studied how international politics and policies, particularly structural adjustment programmes of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), redistribute economic resources, foster inequalities in society, and prompt political discontent and collective mobilizations against those programmes. Her most recent research unpacks the ‘labour market’ and looks at gendered inequalities that the IMF and World Bank programmes create. She teaches International Society and Democratic Institutions within the IMP master programme.