Moniek Buijzen is Erasmus University Professor of Communication and Change, with a current focus on the integration of AI in society. She is the academic lead of the Movez Network, the Erasmus Initiative Societal Impact of AI (AiPact) and the health sector of the nationwide 10-year programme Public Values in the Algorithmic Society (AlgoSoc).
As future-oriented Erasmus professor, she is the initiator and proud partner of the 'radicareful' AICON movement, which explores the principles of successful cross-sectoral collaboration between science, society, art and nature. Based on the experiences of those involved, AICON is shaping the common ground for equal co-creation for a humane and socially responsible integration of AI into society. Connect with AICON on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Digital technology and positive change
Developments in communication technology open up unprecedented opportunities for healthy and sustainable ways to change. Moniek Buijzen studies how the benefits of digital technology can be optimally used for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, while keeping potential risks at a minimum.
For example, in the current SocialMovez project, Buijzen and her team investigate how health campaigns for youth can be disseminated more effectively, via peer influencers in the online social network. Using innovative data-analytic technologies, the SocialMovez team will reveal how online social network campaigns can be optimized, while safeguarding youth’s privacy and autonomy. For updates, follow our Movez on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Check out recent academic publications and preregistrations
Building bridges with an ecosystems approach
In her work, Buijzen aims for a continuous interaction between the development of theory, methodological advances, and innovative technological applications. Her total team science approach is open, fair, and interdisciplinary, uniting elements from the fields of social sciences, health sciences, computer sciences, and law. The transsectoral programs Movez Network, AiPact, and AICON bring together research, education, arts, and society--rooted in an inclusive and collaborative, symbiotic ecosystems approach.
Join the Movez network online for collaboration between young people and those involved in their daily lives and well-being.
Buijzen actively engages in forging links between science and society. Together with her colleague prof.dr. Esther Rozendaal she established the accessible and appealing online knowledge portal With partners from art and society, she ignited the inspirational and inclusive AICON movement, cocreating the conditions of AI in society with citizens, artists, and academics.
Buijzen (1973) received her doctorate at the University of Amsterdam in 2003, where she subsequently worked as an assistant and associate professor. From 2012 to 2019, she was professor and chair of the Communication Science department of Radboud University’s Behavioural Science Institute. She is one of the primary investigators in the large national 10-year gravitation program Public Values in the Algorithmic Society (AlgoSoc). In 2019 she received a prestigious personal Vici grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for the 5-year research project 'SocialMovez: Effective and responsible health campaigns for adolescents using online social networks.' Buijzen had previously received an NWO Veni (2003), a Vidi (2008), and a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). Her work has been recognised with awards from the International Communication Association, the International Conference on Research in Advertising, the Child and Teen Consumption Conference, and the Netherlands Flanders Communication Association. She is a honorary fellow of the International Communication Association and one of the two honorary Erasmus University Professors.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
More information
- Anne Sadza, E Rozendaal, S Daalmans & M Buijzen (2024) - Let's talk about risks. Parental and peer mediation and their relation to adolescents' perceptions of on- and off-screen risk behavior - Communications, 49 (2), 1-24 - doi: 10.1515/commun-2021-0143 - [link]
- Saskia C.M. Franken, Crystal R. Smit, Rebecca N.H. de Leeuw, Thabo J. van Woudenberg, William J. Burk, Kirsten E. Bevelander & Moniek Buijzen (2023) - Understanding the behavioral determinants of adolescents’ water consumption: A cross-country comparative study - Dialogues in Health, 2 - doi: 10.1016/j.dialog.2023.100101 - [link]
- David J. Blok, Bojan Simoski, Thabo J. van Woudenberg & Moniek Buijzen (2023) - The Usefulness of Web-Based Communication Data for Social Network Health Interventions: Agent-Based Modeling Study - JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 6 (1) - doi: 10.2196/44849 - [link]
- A Sadza, S Daalmans, E Rozendaal & M Buijzen (2023) - Risk on Demand?: A Quantitative Content Analysis of the Portrayal of Risky Health Behaviors in Popular on Demand Content - Health Communication, 39 (10), 1-10 - doi: 10.1080/10410236.2023.2255762 - [link]
- TJ van Woudenberg, E Rozendaal & M Buijzen (2023) - Parents' perceptions of parental consent procedures for social science research in the school context - International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 27 (5), 1-13 - doi: 10.1080/13645579.2023.2222539 - [link]
- T van Steen, BCN Muller, S Li, JGB Loman & M Buijzen (2023) - Helping on Social Media Self-Persuasion and Question-Behavior Effects - Journal of Media Psychology, 35 (2), 109-119 - doi: 10.1027/1864-1105/a000346 - [link]
- Rebecca N. H. de Leeuw, Thabo J. van Woudenberg, Kayla H. Green, Sophie W. Sweijen, Suzanne van de Groep, Mariska Kleemans, Sanne L. Tamboer, Eveline A. Crone & Moniek Buijzen (2023) - Moral Beauty During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Prosocial Behavior Among Adolescents and the Inspiring Role of the Media - Communication Research, 50 (2), 131-156 - doi: 10.1177/00936502221112804 - [link]
- MAA Polman, D G J Beckers, WJ Burk, CR Smit, M Buijzen, JM Vink, N van den Broek & JK Larsen (2023) - The effect of a multi-component school-based social network intervention on children's body mass index: a four-arm intervention study - Psychology and Health, 1-18 - doi: 10.1080/08870446.2023.2179084 - [link]
- E Rozendaal & M Buijzen (2023) - Children's vulnerability to advertising: an overview of four decades of research (1980s-2020s) - International Journal of Advertising, 42 (1), 78-86 - doi: 10.1080/02650487.2022.2135349 - [link]
- Thabo Van Woudenberg, Moniek Buijzen, Roy Hendrikx, Julia Van Weert, Bas Van Den Putte, Floor Kroese, Martine Bouman, Marijn De Bruin & Mattijs Lambooij (2022) - Physical distancing and social media use in emerging adults and adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: Large-scale Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Survey Study - JMIR Infodemiology, 2 (2) - doi: 10.2196/33713 - [link]
- MA (Moniek) Buijzen (2021) - Senior Scholar Award
- Suzanna Opree, E. A. Van Reijmersdal & M.A. Buijzen (2017) - Emerald literati award for highly commended article in European Journal of Marketing
- E.A. van Reijmersdal, Suzanna Opree & M.A. Buijzen (2016) - Top paper award of the Children, Adolescents and the Media Division of the International Communication Association
ArtificiaI Intelligence in Society
- Level
- Minor
- Year Level
- Minor
- Year
- 2022
- Course Code
- CM9007