EsCHER Working Paper Series

Working papers since 2021
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2024005 (click to download)

    Title: What we know, can know and need to know about the causes of health inequality

    Author: Owen O'Donnell

    Date: August 2024

    Cover of EsCher working paper no. 2024005
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2024004 (click to download)

    Title: Spillover Effects of Delayed Nursing Home Admissions on Hospitalisations and Costs

    Authors: Marlies Bär, Pieter Bakx, Nigel Rice, Rita Santos, Luigi Siciliani & Bram Wouterse

    Date: July 2024

    Cover of EsCHER Working Paper No. 2024004
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2024003 (click to download)

    Title: Responsibility-Sensitive Welfare Weights for Health

    Authors: Matthew Robson, Owen O'Donnell & Tom Van Ourti

    Date: July 2024

    Cover of EsCHER Working Paper No. 2024003
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2024002 (click to download)

    Title: Loss aversion in EQ-5D-Y-3L: does it explain differences in willingness to trade-off life duration in adult and child perspectives?

    Authors: Ava F.H. Hoogenboom and Stefan A. Lipman

    Date: January 2024

    Front cover EsCHER Working Paper No. 2024002
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2024001 (click to download)

    Title: Why do we use R2 so often in risk equalization research?

    Authors: Wynand P.M.M. van de Ven and Richard C. van Kleef

    Date: January 2024

    Front cover EsCHER Working Paper No. 2024001
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 202312 (click to download)

    Title: The corrective approach for health utility measurement using time trade-off - a direct test of validity

    Authors: Richelshagen, Senn, Nagels, & Lipman

    Date: December 2023

    Working paper front page.
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2023011 (click to download)

    Title: Effectiveness of Population-Based Hypertension Screening: A Multidimensional Regression Discontinuity Design

    Authors: Fabrice Kämpfen, Ph.D., Owen O’Donnell, Ph.D., Carlos Riumalló Herl, Ph.D., Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Ph.D

    Date: november 2023

    Esher Working paper no 2023011
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2023010 (click to download)

    Title: A systematic review of unique methods for measuring discount rates

    Authors: Stefan Lipman & Arthur Attema

    Date: October 2023

    Front page of Escher Seattle
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2023009 (click to download)

    Title:  The impact of co-payments for nursing home care on care use and welfare.

    Authors: Marianne Tenand, Pieter Bakx and Bram Wouterse

    Date: September 2023


    EsCHER Working Paper No.2023009 front
  • EsCHER Working Paper No.2023008 (click to download)

    Title:  Decision processes underlying health state valuation: attention allocation in time trade-off and standard gamble.

    Authors: Lipman, S.A. & Pachur, T.

    Date: September 2023

    EsCHER Working paper erasmus bridge
  • EsCHER Working Paper No.2023007 (click to download)

    Title: The effects of duration and time preference on the gap between adult and child health state in time trade-off

    Authors: Lang, Z. Attema, A.E. & Lipman, S.A.

    Date: May 2023

    EsCHER working paper Lang et. al.
  • EsCHER Working Paper No.2023006 (click to download)

    Title: Do consumers perceive and trust health insurers within a system of managed competition as prudent buyers of care?

    Authors: Stolper, K.C.F., Yildirim, I., Boonen, L.H.H.M., Schut, F.T., & Varkevisser, M.

    Date: May 2023

    EsCHER working paper cover Stolper et al
  • EsCHER Working Paper No.2023005 (click to download)

    Title: Construct validity, reliability and responsiveness of the 10-item Well-being instrument (WiX) for use in economic evaluation studies

    Authors: Bom, J.A.M., Voormolen, D.C., Brouwer, W.B.F., de Bekker-Grob, E.W. and van Exel, J.

    Date: April 2023

    EsCHER Working paper cover 2023005 Bom et al
  • EsCHER Working Paper No.2023004 (click to download)

    Title: Development and content validation of the 10-item Well-being instrument (WiX) for use in economic evaluation studies

    Authors: Voormolen, D.C., Bom, J.A.M., de Bekker-Grob, E.W., Brouwer, W.B.F. and van Exel, J. (2023).

    Date: April 2023

    EsCHER Working paper cover 2023004 Voormolen et al
  • EsCHER Working Paper No.2023003 (click to download)

    Title: Aversion to Health Inequality - Pure, Income-Related and Income-Caused

    Authors: Robson, M., O'Donell, O. & van Ourti, T.

    Date: April 2023

    2023003 Robson et al cover
  • EsCHER Working Paper No.2023002 (click to download)

    Title: Distributionally Sensitive Measurement and Valuation of Population Health

    Authors: Da Costa, S., O’Donnell, O., & van Gestel, R.

    Date: March 2023

    2023002 Da Costa et al cover
  • EsCHER Working Paper No.2023001 (click to download)

    Title: The Impact of an ‘Evergreening’ Strategy Nearing Patent Expiration on the Uptake of Biosimilars and Public Healthcare Costs

    Authors: Kirshner G., Makai P, Brouns C., Timmers L. and Kemp R.

    Date: March 2023

    2023001 Kirshner et al cover
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2022014 (click to download)

    Title: Positive and negative effects of risk equalization and risk sharing in regulated competitive health insurance markets

    Authors: van Kleef RC, Reuser M, Stam PJA, and van de Ven WPMM

    Date: November 2022

    2022014 Kleef et al cover
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2022012 (click to download)

    Title: Economic Theories of Health Inequality Across the Life Course

    Authors: Galama TJ and van Kippersluis H

    Date: September 2022

  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2022011 (click to download)

    Title: Estimating the health value added by nursing homes

    Authors: Bär M, Bakx P, Wouterse B, and van Doorslaer E

    Date: September 2022

    2022011 Bar et al. cover
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2022010 (click to download)

    Title: Emergency care reconfiguration in the Netherlands: Conflicting interests and trade-offs from a multidisciplinary perspective

    Authors: van Velzen N, Janssen R, and Varkevisser M

    Date: September 2022

  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2022009 (click to download)

    Title: Deposit? Yes, please! The effect of different modes of assigning reward- and deposit-based financial incentives on effort

    Authors: Lipman SA, Boderie NW, Been JV, and van Kippersluis H

    Date: August 2022

    Lipman et al. cover
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2022008 (click to download)

    Title: Adverse selection and consumer inertia: empirical evidence from the Dutch health insurance market

    Authors: Croes RR, FT Schut, and Varkevisser M

    Date: June 2022

    2022008 Cover Croes et al.
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2022007 (click to download)

    Title: The effect of a miscarriage on mental health, labour market, and family outcomes

    Authors: Rellstab S, Bakx P, and Garcia-Gómez P

    Date: March 2022

  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2022006 (click to download)

    Title: Non-financial incentives and quality of care: effect of a digital patient feedback platform

    Authors: Bonfrer I and Saharan S

    Date: January 2022

    Cover EsCHER Working Paper 2022001
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2021005 (click to download)

    Title: Do time preferences explain low health insurance take-up?

    Authors: Baillon  A, O'Donnell O, Quimbo S, and van Wilgenburg K

    Date: December 2021

    2021005 Baillon et al cover
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2021004 (click to download)

    Title: Well-being right before and after a permanent nursing home admission

    Authors: Bom J, Bakx P, and Rellstab S

    Date: December 2021

    2021004 Bom et al title page
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2021003 (click to download)

    Title: Informal care at old age at home and in nursing homes: determinants and economic value

    Authors: Roquebert Q and Tenand M

    Date: December 2021

    2021003 Roquebert Tenand title page
  • EsCHER Working Paper No. 2021001 (click to download)

    Title: The formation of physician altruism

    Authors: Attema AE, Galizzi MM, Groß M, Hennig-Schmidt H, Karay Y, L'Haridon O, and Wiesen D

    Date: November 2021

    Title page EsCHER Working Paper by Attema et al. (2021)

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