Erasmus Sustainability Days 2020

maandag 24 feb 2020, 09:00 - vrijdag 28 feb 2020, 17:00
Campus Woudestein
Ticket informatie

Tickets are available in February and will cost 8 euros.

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The Erasmus Sustainability Days are back! The 9-student committee from the Erasmus Sustainability Hub is currently organizing the biggest sustainability-focused event of the University. The 5-days event will take place on campus from the 24th to the 28th of February 2020.

The Erasmus Sustainability Days is the main event organized by the Erasmus Sustainability Hub and the biggest sustainability-focused event organized at EUR. From the 24th to the 28th of February employees and students are encouraged to take part in different types of diverse activities such as workshops, lectures, games, speeches, cases and much more related with the promotion of a positive social impact in the world. All of which are held in collaboration with committed frontrunners in sustainability including local start-ups, multinationals, student associations and initiatives.

This year’s theme, “Time’s Up”, is a call for action. Time is running out and it is up to us now to make a change and strive for a better future. Our generation is now facing the issues that our antecedents failed to mend. That is why we must act and we must do it now! To create a sense of urgency, each day of the event will focus on a different theme. This way, we will spread the message that positive change is needed in every single individual. Additionally, we strongly believe that such change is also attainable by every single business and industry in this world.

Meer informatie

Instagram: @esd_2020
Facebook: The Erasmus Sustainability Days 2020
LinkedIn: The Erasmus Sustainability Days 2020

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