Erasmus Graduate School of Law pays attention to the visibility and impact of research and researchers in several ways:

In the digital programme, a course entitled Communicate your PhD Research has been developed. In this course, PhD researchers learn more about the different aspects of and the tools available for communicating their PhD research. In some of the modules, attention is paid to creating impact; in other parts, also, employability issues play a role.

Law Out Loud
Erasmus Graduate School of Law publishes a Call for Ideas every year, in which PhD researchers are invited to come up with original ideas. In 2019 the idea ‘Law out Loud’ was granted an amount of 5.000 euros. Four PhD researchers have set up a podcast series for PhDs to present their research. This initiative appeared to have a great deal of outreach, e.g., via the LinkedIn profile they created.

PhD in the spotlight
Watch PhD in the spotlight videos. PILAR has continued this initiative, see their LinkedIn profile.