The Digital Governance project (DIGOV) asks which rules and norms are needed to enable Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to fully support our individual and societal interests.
DIGOV is also the name of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence that has been awarded by the European Commission to Erasmus School of Law, in conjunction with the Law School of the University of Leeds (UK) and the Law School of Bar-Ilan University (Israel). The centre has started on 1 September 2019 and will be funded for three years within the framework of Jean Monnet Actions of the European Union.
We aim to:
- Organise international conferences
- Organise a visiting scholar programme
- Policy consultations
- Build up an open teaching platform
Project leaders: Prof. Klaus Heine and Prof. Evert Stamhuis.

Ronald de Groot
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- Telefoon
- +31 6 53 641 846