prof.dr. A (Alessandra) Arcuri


Alessandra Arcuri is Full Professor of International Economic Law at the Department of Law and Markets, Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is also a member of the Erasmus Initiative on Inclusive Prosperity and of the Erasmus Institute for Public Knowledge (EIPK). Her research and teaching focus on international economic law, sustainability, environmental law, global technocracy and democracy. Her most recent publications include Technocracy and the Law: Accountability, Governance and Expertise, (Routledge 2021) (co-edited with Florin Coman-Kund); ‘Reappropriating the Rule of Law: Between Constituting and Limiting Private Power’ (2022) Jurisprudence (with Ioannis Kampourakis and Sanne Taekema); ‘Boundary-Work and Dynamics of Exclusion by Law: International Investment Law as a Case Study’, in Bartl and Lawrence (eds) The Politics of European Legal Research: Behind the Method, (Edward Elgar, 2022); ‘Public Interest and International Investment Law: A Critical Perspective on Three Mainstream Narratives’, Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy (Springer 2021) (with Federica Violi); ‘International Economic Law and Disintegration: Beware the Schmittean Moment’, Journal of International Economic Law, (2020); The Great Asymmetry and the Rule of Law in International Investment Arbitration’, Yearbook on International Investment Law and Policy 2018 (OUP 2019); Justice for All? Protecting the Public Interest in Investment Treaties, 59 Boston College Law Review 2791, (2018) (with Francesco Montanaro); ‘The Chemical Anthropocene: Glyphosate as a Case Study of Pesticide Exposures’, King’s Law Journal (2019) (with Yogi Hendlin). Next to her regular teaching at the EUR, Arcuri has been invited to teach in several institutions worldwide including Lund University, Bocconi University, the African Universities in Lomè, Togo, Luiss University, and University of Siena. Prof. Arcuri has been visiting Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) (Jean Monnet Fellow, 2011-12; Fernand Braudel Fellow, 2021-22), New York University (NYU) (Hauser Global Research Fellow, 2003-04), Hamburg University (Marie Curie Fellow, 2001), among other institutions. Next to her academic research and teaching, Arcuri has engaged with non-academic publics, by authoring commissioned reports or briefing institutional actors, including the Dutch Parliament, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Commission and NGOs.

Erasmus School of Law

Full professor | International and European Union Law (IEUR)


  • Alessandra Arcuri (17 oktober 2023) - New Findings from Erasmus University Describe Advances in Legal Issues (On how the ECT fuels the fossil fuel economy: Rockhopper v Italy as a case study)
  • Alessandra Arcuri (5 juni 2023) - Minister changes course: Ban on floating degassing of toxic fumes will be established
  • Alessandra Arcuri (28 februari 2023) - Researchers respond to the minister by explaining why a ban of floating degassing would be legal
  • Sanne Taekema, Alessandra Arcuri & Elena Reznichenko (24 februari 2023) - Researchers of Erasmus School of Law discuss Open Science and Societal Impact
  • Alessandra Arcuri (25 januari 2023) - Ministers unjustly block a ban on releasing toxic vapours for years
  • Alessandra Arcuri (24 januari 2023) - Prohibition of degassing is already legally possible
  • Alessandra Arcuri (23 januari 2023) - ‘It is legally possible to ban blowing away toxins in inland shipping’
  • Alessandra Arcuri (22 januari 2023) - Kamer jarenlang verkeerd geïnformeerd over varend ontgassen, verbieden kan wél (Omroep Flevoland op 22 januari 2023)
  • Alessandra Arcuri (22 januari 2023) - Overheid houdt verbod op giftige uitstoot binnenvaartschepen tegen (in NRC d.d. 22 januari 2023)
  • Alessandra Arcuri (22 januari 2023) - Government stops ban on toxic emissions from inland vessels

  • Lonneke Poort, Alessandra Arcuri, Johan Vannerom & Daniela Garcia-Caro Briceno (2023) - sustainability, food systems, and the law (Organiser)
    Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • Federica Violi, Alessandra Arcuri & Abdurrahman Erol (2022) - Policies on Foreign Investment in National Action Plans on BHR: Transformative Change or Reproduction? (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Federica Violi & Alessandra Arcuri (2021) - Sustainable Trade to the Core: Towards a Targeted Approach in the EU's GSP Schemes and TSD Chapters (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Sanne Taekema, Ioannis Kampourakis & Alessandra Arcuri (2021) - Follow the power: Why the rule of law directly concerns private actors (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Alessandra Arcuri, Sophia Paulini & Federica Violi (2021) - Sustainable Trade to the Core: Towards a Targeted Approach in EU GSP and TSD Chapters (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Alessandra Arcuri (2020) - Invited Presentation on Dynamics of Exclusion in Law: International Investment as a Case Study (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Alessandra Arcuri (2020) - SDG 12 in International Law (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Alessandra Arcuri (2020) - Invited Lecturer on International economic law and disintegration: beware the Schmittean moment (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Alessandra Arcuri (2018) - Rapporteur on the Break-Out session on Corporate Responsibility and Human Rights (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic

  • Lonneke Poort, Alessandra Arcuri & Johan Vannerom (2022) - Research Grant (Sector-Plan 'Rebalancing Public & Private Interests")
  • Alessandra Arcuri (2016) - Erasmus + Jean Monnet Network for a collaborative project on ‘WTO and EU-Russia Cooperation: Legal and Economic Aspects’
  • Alessandra Arcuri (2016) - EUR Fellowship: research grant awarded by Erasmus University Rotterdam on Rethinking Global Technocracy: Towards a Theoretical Framework for the Accountability of Global Regulatory Scientific Institutions
  • Alessandra Arcuri (2015) - Research of Excellence Intiative; Grant by Erasmus University Rotterdam for a Collective Project on Depoliticization and the Public Interest (Co-ordinator Prof.dr. Willem Schinkel, EUR)
  • Alessandra Arcuri (2011) - Research on 'The Public Dimensions of Private Regulatory Regimes in the Area of Social Regulation'
  • Alessandra Arcuri (2011) - Jean Monnet Fellowship, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute (EUI), Florence
  • Alessandra Arcuri (2003) - Global Research Fellow, School of Law – New York University (NYU)
  • Alessandra Arcuri (2001) - Marie Curie Fellowship, Law and Economics Institute - Hamburg University

Law Clinic International and European Un

Year Level
Course Code

Research and Writing Skills

Year Level
Course Code

IEUL pre-master BA thesis trajectory

Course Code

International Trade and Investment Law

Year Level
master, master, master, master
Course Code

Energy Law and Political Economy

Course Code

Thesis Master Int. and Eur. Union Law

Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. A (Alessandra) Arcuri

Minister overstag: Verbod op varend ontgassen van giftige stoffen komt er toch

Een rapport van onderzoekers van Erasmus School of Law heeft sterk bijgedragen aan een verbod op de uitstoot van gifgassen door binnenvaartschepen vanaf 2024.
Een binnenvaartschip in Nederland

Onderzoekers leggen in reactie op de minister uit dat een ontgassingsverbod wettelijk is toegestaan

In een open brief leggen onderzoekers Alessandra Arcuri en Abudurrahman Errol uit waarom de reactie van de minister op hun rapport juridisch niet juist is.
Een binnenvaartschip in Nederland

Ministers houden jarenlang onterecht een verbod op de uitstoot van giftige stoffen tegen

Volgens hoogleraar Alessandra Arcuri en promovendus Abdurrahman Erol stoten binnenvaartschepen al jaren onterecht giftige en kankerverwekkende stoffen uit.
barge rotterdam

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