Tuition fee 2025-2026

Statutory tuition fee

The statutory tuition fee for 2025-2026 is € 2.601,-. To be eligible for the statutory tuition fee, you must fulfil two conditions:

  1. You have an EEA, Swiss or Surinamese nationality. To find out if you meet the nationality requirement, you can use the DUO website. In addition to this requirement, you must also meet the following:
  2. You did not obtain an equivalent degree at a Dutch university or at a Dutch university of applied sciences after 31 August 1991. An exception applies to students who are going to study in the field of healthcare or education for the first time. After you have already obtained another degree, you may obtain one more degree in healthcare or one more degree in education. For more information, please contact the ESSC.

Institutional fee
If you do not meet both conditions, you pay the institutional fee. These fees vary per programme and per person. Below are listed all the EUR's institutional fees; for non-EEA students and for EEA students who will be following a second bachelor's or master's degree.

In the overview below, you will find the institutional fees bachelor 2025-2026.

Philosophy parttime – equal to statutory fee€2.601€2.601
Philosophy of a specific discipline – equal to statutory fee€2.601€2.601
International Bachelor Communication and Media€8.900€11.400


Increased statutory fee                                                               €5.600€5.600

RSM                                                                                                  €8.100€12.700

Medicine (in Dutch)€27.500€30.900
Nanobiology (Joint Degree with TU Delft)                                     tbdtbd
Clinical Technology
(only in Dutch; Joint Degree with TU Delft
and Universiteit Leiden)

See for more information on the tuitions fees from the TU Delft (joint degrees):

In the overview below, you will find the institutional fees master 2025-2026.

Joint research master Public Administration
and Organizational Science (with UvT and UU)                             
Research master Philosophy€5.000€9.800
Philosophy parttime: equal to statutory fee€2.601€2.601
Masters parttime€7.200€9.975
Joint degree European master in
Health Economics and Management
International Master’s in Advanced
Research in Criminology 
ESE *€14.400€19.950
Tinbergen Institute Research Master in Economics **
(Tinbergen, with UvA and VU)
Research Master Program in Business Data Science (Tinbergen, with UvA and VU) **                      €19.950€19.950

RSM                                                                                                            €14.400€24.600

Medicine (only in Dutch)€27.500€33.200
Research Master                                                                                  €23.000€23.000
(Joint Degree with TU Delft)
Technical Medicine
(Joint Degree with TU Delft and Universiteit Leiden)



See for more information on the tuitions fees from the TU Delft (joint degrees):

More information about tuition fees
More information about the tuition fees can be found in the Regulation on enrolment and tuition fees. You can also check our page Explanation tuition fees, for information about how tuition fees are determined and which exceptions apply.

* Transitional arrangement for institutional tuition fees Erasmus School of Economics 2025-2026
Non-EER master students at ESE who were already enrolled in academic year 2024-2025 and are re-enrolling in 2025-2026 for the same study programme without interruption, pay a one-time slightly lower institutional tuition fee in 2025-2026, being € 18.500 instead of € 19.950. 
Non-EEA pre-master students at ESE who are enrolled in academic year 2024-2025 and are enrolling for an ESE master programme in 2025-2026 without interruption, pay a one-time slightly lower institutional tuition fee in 2025-2026, being € 18.500 instead of € 19.950. 

** Tinbergen: EER master students who have completed a master's degree at UvA, VU or EUR and enrol without interruption for this master as a second master's degree, pay the statutory fee.

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