Help in paying for your studies
Did your budget plan tell you that you’re going to need help in paying for your studies? There are a couple of financial aid options you can think about to arrange yourself, or with help from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Click on one of the options below for more information.
If you don’t qualify for any scholarships or grants, you can decide to apply for a loan. But be advised: loans will always have to be paid back with interest!
It is very important that you don’t take on a financial burden you can’t handle. So make sure that you and your parents / caretakers understand what you are getting yourself into:
- Did you do your research on how much you’ll be paying back each month?
- Will that be doable compared to the salary you expect to be receiving?
- What are the terms and conditions of the loan?
When you’re receiving a loan, you are basically receiving borrowed money. And something you borrow, you need to give back eventually.
Important: the amount of money you loan, will have to be paid back in full, including interest.
This type of financial aid is available if you are facing delays in your study due to:
• Exceptional (family) circumstances
• Top sports
• Volunteering work
• A board year for a student organization
• A board year for a committee or council
Important: our student counsellors know everything about this specific type of aid.
Don’t hesitate to reach out with doubts or questions!
Scholarships & grants are often called ‘gift aid’ because they are financial aid that doesn’t have to be repaid. Grants are usually awarded based on the student’s financial need, scholarships are usually awarded to students who excel in a particular field.
Important: most grants and scholarships only cover 1 year of studies or a 1-time waiver of (a part of) your tuition fee.
Your chances are slim, meaning that most students won't receive a scholarship. There are hundreds of new students each year, but there is not an equal amount of scholarships available. Therefore always make sure to have a plan B to cover your finances, in case you won't receive the scholarship.
My semester abroad was truly amazing.

The whole experience is something I will never forget.

I was really happy to receive the Holland Scholarship, Hong Kong was more expensive than expected.

Because of the scholarship I was able to travel more and really enjoy my experience abroad.

Do you need help?
Make a financial budget plan
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