Erasmus School of Law

Where Law meets Business
Sanders Building in the summer

Rotterdam professors present preliminary opinions on Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

Pieter Verrest and Kasper Jansen presented their preliminary opinions on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Pieter Verrest en Kasper Jansen

Can you make contraception mandatory for psychiatric patients? Students learn about the health rights of people with disabilities

How can we safeguard the rights of people with disabilities and where do we draw the line when it comes to self-determination for this group? These are the cent
André den Exter

Doctor caught selling diabetes medication on Marktplaats: quick profit or end of career?

Professor Martin Buijsen tells more about the actions of the doctor that sold Ozempic via Marktplaats, and the possible consequences of this behaviour.
Martin Buijsen

Legal duty of care and affordable medicines: Eva Ulenkate wins VGR Thesis Award 2024

Eva Ulenkate, alumna, conducted research on a legal duty of care for pharmaceutical companies, and she won the VGR Thesis Award 2024 as a result.

Are VAT and capital transfer tax ready for a circular economy?

Madeleine Merkx and Martijn Albers researched the VAT and capital transfer tax implications of circular construction.
M. Albers naast M.M.W.D. Merkx

Undetected cyber-attacks or your data on the street: What can ethical hackers do for victims of cybercrime?

Wouter Scherpenisse interviews Max van der Horst on the role of ethical hackers, Operation Endgame and the Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure.
Wouter Scherpenisse naast Max van der Horst

Researchers from Erasmus School of Law Receive Horizon European Consortium Grant for Community Policing Research

Marc Schuilenburg and Martijn Wessels have received a grant for their European research on digitalising community policing.
Schuilenburg (links) en Wessels (rechts)

Catcalling in the city? It might soon get you a fine!

Tamar Fischer talks about street harassment in Rotterdam and the new sexual offenses Act (Wet seksuele misdrijven).
Foto van Tamar Fischer

The battle for fair medicines: a small foundation against a pharmaceutical giant

André den Exter discusses the lawsuit filed by the Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation against AbbVie due to its unreasonably priced medications.
André den Exter

How does eliminating the compulsory deductible for the chronically ill affect your health care premium?

Martin Buijsen, Professor of Health Law at Erasmus School of Law, explains the problems surrounding the elimination of the deductible for the chronically ill.
Martin Buijsen

PhD defence F. (Francesca) Leucci

Law and Economics of Environmental Damage Assessment

Stakeholder dialogue on sustainable and responsible investment by ABP

Stakeholder dialogue between pension fund ABP and university employees about ABP’s sustainable and responsible investment policy.
Erasmus School of Law

PhD defence A. (Amber) Zwanenburg

Artificial Arrangements in Social Law

Conference “Law, Regulation and Technology: Healthy, Safe, and Sustainable Smart Cities”

The ESL invites submissions for the new Conference “Law, Regulation and Technology: Healthy, Sustainable, and Safe Smart Cities” to be held on 26-27 June 2024.
Erasmus School of Law

Inaugural Lecture Dr. E. (Elena) Kantorowicz-Reznichenko

Law, Numbers and a Little Bit of Magic: The Role of Empirical Methods in Law
Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko

Valedictory Lecture Prof.dr. A.I.M. (Toon) van Mierlo

Restitution of Looted Art*
Toon van Mierlo

The digital and green transitions: twins in tension

Digitalisation and climate change have sparked, on their own, two enormously disruptive processes: the digital and the green transitions, often referred to as
Erasmus School of Law

ELS Academy Research School: Annual Event 2024

The ELS Academy and the Erasmus Centre for Empirical Legal Studies are pleased to host the ELS Academy Research School Annual Event on 10-11 October 2024!
Erasmus School of Law

Erasmus Law Review

Our open access journal with a multidisciplinary and international focus.

Erasmus Law Review

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