CONNECT mentor programme

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ESSB Connect

Next academic year (2024-2025), the ESSB will again organize the CONNECT mentor programme. CONNECT is designed to ensure that all new students feel at home at the EUR as soon as possible. By connecting new students (mentees) with mentors, we aim to create a supportive and welcoming environment.

Why join CONNECT?

  • Smooth onboarding: Transitioning to a new university, especially abroad, can be challenging. CONNECT provides a smoother onboarding experience by offering guidance and support.
  • Meet fellow students: CONNECT makes it easy to connect with fellow students. Close friendships have emerged from previous editions!
  • Experienced mentors: Our mentors are enthusiastic second-year, third-year or master students at the ESSB. They pair up to guide a group of new students and share their insights and experiences. Mentees can reach out to their mentors with all their questions, from academic concerns to social integration
  • Engaging activities: From September to December, the project team organizes various activities for mentors and mentees. 

CONNECT gives you the opportunity to build a network, gain valuable advice, and feel a sense of belonging in a new environment.

ESSB Connect team

The project team of CONNECT:

  • Project lead: Annemieke van Beek
  • Coordinator Psychology & Pedagogical sciences: Kim Ouwehand
  • Coordinator Public Administration & Sociology: Tim van der Toorn
  • Student assistant (general): Aida Osmanbasic
  • Coordinator international students: Maité Rey Rosales

If you have any questions about the CONNECT mentor programme, feel free to contact us at You can also stop by the Front Office ESSB on the 15th floor of Mandeville Building, at the front, next to the elevators.

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