Webinar: Networks in City to City Learning for Sustainable Urban Development

A three-part webinar series
Tuesday 7 May 2024, 13:00 - 14:30
Spoken Language


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Cities within and across national borders are learning with and from each other on a wide range of topics for different purposes and in varying ways. In this webinar series, urban professionals and city representatives will discuss city-to-city learning – or cities learning with and from each other. This webinar series is organized in collaboration with IHS, UN-Habitat, Vital Cities and Citizens (VCC), Closer Cities, and Justra Cities Network

Cities worldwide face multifaceted challenges, navigating issues from environmental sustainability to social equity. In response, the number of city and transnational networks addressing these issues have significantly increased in recent decades, with a growing number of member cities joining these networks. Transnational networks and collaborative initiatives provide avenues for city-to-city (C2C) learning, fostering cooperation and knowledge exchange between cities. By as learning environments or knowledge brokers, these networks support cities in improving their efforts on climate change, urban sustainability, and resilience.

However, many aspects of C2C learning remain unexplored. It is therefore important to further understand the contexts in which C2C learning occurs, how these processes unfold, the facilitating or hindering conditions, and the resulting outcomes. Therefore, the second part of our three-part webinar series will delve into the question: “what is the role of networks as a platform for C2C learning?”.

Join us as we explore the conditions, challenges and outcomes of C2C learning through the experience of four networks.

About the event

We will be organizing a three-part webinar series of 90 minutes, where each part focuses on the perspective and experiences from a different actor: from city representatives to transnational networks and researchers. The second webinar, designed for (transnational) networks and intermediaries, takes place online on May 7th 13:00-14:30 (CET). Sign up for the event through this link.

Who is this event for?

We invite everyone that is interested or are/have been involved in C2C learning. The second event will particularly focus on the perspective and experiences of (transnational) networks and other intermediaries. The aim of this webinar series is to exchange views on the contexts, processes, conditions, and outcomes of C2C learning.

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