On this page you can find information about minors for EUR-students. You can choose an EUR-minor, joint-LDE minor or a minor in Leiden or Delft.
Via eduXchange you can explore minors and register for EUR, Leiden, Delft and joint-LDE minors. Watch the video and start your minor orientation at eduXchange.
You need an eduID to register for a minor. Without an eduID, it is not possible to register. First create your eduID at www.eduID.nl. Learn in this video how to do this.
Each year, Erasmus University Rotterdam offers almost 100 minors.
- Broadening minor: you broaden your horizon. EUR offers around 70 broadening minors.
- Deepening minor: you specialize within your own field of expertise.
- EMC minor abroad: Erasmus Medical Centre offers minors with a stay abroad.
- Educational minor: are you considering becoming a secondary school teacher? With an education minor, you will receive a limited second-degree qualification. NB: for Dutch speaking students only.
- Selection minor: a special selection procedure is in place.
Please note: EMC minors abroad, educational minors and selection minors have a different registration period.
Check out the minor overview at eduXchange for all the minors offered. Check the admissions matrix to see if you are admissible for the minor of your choice.
Disclaimer: It is possible that a minor will be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. too few participants). In this exceptional situation, a suitable solution will be found together with the faculty.
In cooperation with Leiden University and TU Delft, the EUR offers Leiden-Delft-Erasmus minors (joint-LDE minors). These minors are provided by all three universities, this means that you need to attend classes at two or three of the LDE-partners. Most joint-LDE minors are offered in two variants: 15 EC and 30 EC.
Visit the website of joint-LDE minors to learn more or check out all minors at eduXchange to learn more. Check the admissions matrix to see if you are admissible for the minor of your choice.
Be advised: the schedules in Leiden and Delft can differ from the regular EUR-minor period.

In addition to an EUR-minor or joint-LDE minor you can also choose a minor at Leiden University or TU Delft. The EUR, Leiden University and TU Delft have made 33% of the place in their minors available to each others students. You can check out the minors offered by Leiden University and TU Delft at eduXchange.
Minors in Leiden are 30 EC, however it is possible to complete a 15 EC variant. The minor formats explain which courses should be completed for the 15 EC variant. Please reach out to the minor contact from Leiden University for more information about this subject.
Minors in Delft are – with a few exceptions – 30 EC. Minors in Delft have to be completed for 30 EC. Only some specific minors can be completed for 15 EC. This is clearly stated in the minor format. The minor period in Delft is up until the beginning of February.
Most minors at the EUR are 15 EC. Extra EC are extracurricular to the 180 EC of your own study program. If you would like to add the extra EC to your study program, you need the approval from your own Exam Committee.
Be advised: the schedules in Leiden and Delft can differ from the EUR minor period. If you chose a 30 EC minor, your classes will be given until February. If you chose a minor in Leiden, it could be possible that the minor has a 'lint schedule' which means that classes will be given year-round.