Erasmus Honours Programme
Besides the regular programmes, the EUR annually offers two exclusive programmes to talented bachelor students. The Erasmus Honours Programme enables excellent students to encounter fascinating and current themes from other fields of study in the Grand Challenges and Over Grenzen (Dutch) programme. Renowned scholars from several disciplines challenge honours students to look beyond the boundaries of their own field.
For this reason, professors and students from different academic disciplines are gathered in the Erasmus Honours Programme in two programs. For most EHP-students, the interdisciplinary approach will prove to be a challenge as, in their second year they only just begin to realize what it means to study an academic discipline, with it’s own typical ‘worldview’. In High School various ‘subjects’ are taught. When attending classes in ‘Economy’, how many realized they were introduced in the world of the homo economicus; and who has wondered during ‘Maths’, how the world can be approached as a numeric whole? At University students grow, and maybe even excel in the discipline of their choice, but as they learn and grow, they are also limited by the boundaries of their discipline.
Interactive Learning
The educational environment of the EHP differs from the usual teaching settings. Due to the multidisciplinary background of the group – students and teachers -, different, and even conflicting perspectives will be addressed and discussed. Without doubt, the learning practice of an interdisciplinary attitude will help EHP students in their further academic career and beyond.
To enhance the interdisciplinary status of the curriculum, each module kicks off with an impression of the interdisciplinary issues at stake. Points of focus and leading questions will be formulated. At the end of each module, the interdisciplinary issues will be readdressed and evaluated.
Honours Programme Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
ESSB Honours Programme (ESSB-HP) is an extracurricular educational programme of 15 credits. The programme is intended for excellent students in Sociology, Public Administration, Psychology, International Bachelor in Psychology, Management of International Social Challenges, and Pedagogical Sciences. Students who finish their first year with a grade point average of 7.5 or higher are invited to apply. Each year about 75 students are eligible to apply, and about 20 to 25 students are selected for the programme.
The selected students meet each other in monthly sessions during the second year of their bachelors. Most sessions are interactive lectures conducted by prominent scientists of ESSB and other faculties/universities. The subjects covered are not generally contained in the regular bachelor curricula. The honours students acquire a broad perspective on the field of the social sciences, and are able to place their own discipline in it. In addition, students will gain experience with conducting research under supervision of a ESSB staff member, and will collaborate with ambitious students from other ESSB bachelor programmes, for example by jointly organizing the last lecture of the programme themselves. Participation in ESSB-HP therefore contributes to your academic training in multiple ways, and is a great addition to your regular bachelor’s programme.
More information can be found here.