Researcher profiles

  • (Saskia) SCM Franken

    (Saskia) SCM Franken
  • prof.dr. (Ingmar) IHA Franken

    Ingmar Franken is a full professor at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Clinical Psychology group at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child…
    prof.dr. (Ingmar) IHA Franken
  • drs. (Ruth) RM Frans

    drs. (Ruth) RM Frans
  • (Myrthe) MC Fransen

    (Myrthe) MC Fransen
  • dr. (Minita) M Franzen

    dr. (Minita) M Franzen
  • dr. (Bonnie) BE French

    Bonnie E. French is an Assistant Professor of Sociology.  Her research and teaching interests center around race and racism in institutions such as schools…
    dr. (Bonnie) BE French
  • (Sophia) SL Frick

    Sophia Frick is an Assistant Professor at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences in the Work and Organizational Psychology group. Her areas of…
    (Sophia) SL Frick
  • dr. (Renske) RS van der Gaag

    dr. (Renske) RS van der Gaag
  • (Anita) AE Gabriels

    (Anita) AE Gabriels
  • (Harriet) HR Galvin, MSc

    (Harriet) HR Galvin, MSc

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